good question

Girl Dads Seek Advice On Which Public Bathroom They Should Take Their Daughters Into

Several moms chimed in with their opinions.

A girl dad wonders if he should be using the men's or women's bathroom when taking his young daughte...
DJ Drewski / TikTok

I’ve been out with my husband and daughter several times when she announced she needed to use the bathroom. I am always the one to take her because if the bathrooms are gendered, it makes sense for me to do so.

Whenever we are provided with all-gender bathrooms or family bathrooms, my husband happily takes her. So, what happens when he’s out with her alone and there’s nothing like that? He usually opts to take her into the women’s bathroom because...the bear.

One dad on TikTok found himself in a similar predicament and asked social media to help him figure out what to do.

“So two girl dads in Disney, we're in Disney World right now,” TikTok user DJ Drewski begins.

“As a girl dad, I bring my daughter into the men's room, of course, into a stall in that bathroom. My brother brings his daughter into the female restroom. The women's restroom. We don't know which is the right way to do it or how women feel. I just don't feel comfortable going into a women's bathroom.”

Drewski’s brother adds, “I prefer to bring them into a female bathroom, and it's clean, it's more clean than a guy bathroom.”

“So as a girl dad, what is the right way, which bathroom is the right bathroom to bring your daughter into as a father?” he asks.

After the DJ’s video went viral, several moms gave their take on his question, noting that they’d be totally fine with him coming into the women’s restroom as long as he makes himself known. As the mom of a little girl, I totally agree!

“Women’s rest room just yell girl dad coming in,” one user wrote.

Another echoed, “I would prefer my husband announce himself and bring our girls into the women’s.”

“Ladies will accept you, just announce yourself. If any ladies give you trouble, they obviously don't have kids. Ignore them,” one wrote.

Another girl dad weighed in and wrote, “As a Girl Dad... men's room straight to a stall... never have I ever had any issues .. lol”

“My dad use to bring me to the guys bathroom and have me close my eyes until we got into the stall! Never was a problem to me or my mom ! Whatever you prefer I think ☺️,” another noted.

The OP replied, “I prefer your dads option.”

The fact that these dads are even having this conversation and thinking about the best plan of action to make their daughters and other women comfortable says it all. As long as they’re keeping them safe, seems like either option could work.