
Donald Trump Just Sexually Harassed A Female U.S. Senator On Twitter

by Maria Guido
Originally Published: 
Image via Saul Loeb/ Getty/ Twitter

Donald Trumps says Senator Kirsten Gillibrand would “do anything” for campaign contributions

It has become a normal daily routine for most Americans to wake up, take a deep breath, and dare to peek at what disastrous early morning tweet our president came up with. And just when you think it can’t get any worse — it does.

Yesterday, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand called for Trump’s resignation, in light of the many allegations of sexual assault he has against him. She also called for a congressional investigation.

“President Trump should resign,” she tweeted. “But, of course, he won’t hold himself accountable. Therefore, Congress should investigate the multiple sexual harassment and assault allegations against him.”

Trump fired off this tweet at 8 AM this morning, in response to Gillibrand’s call for his resignation:

“Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Chuck Schumer and someone who would come to my office “begging” for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them), is now in the ring fighting against Trump,” he tweeted. “Very disloyal to Bill & Crooked-USED!”

What the hell is “and would do anything for them” supposed to mean? This is sexual harassment, plain and simple. Amazingly, the tweet came just an hour after another tweet where he categorically denied harassing or assaulting women.

“FAKE NEWS.” Oh, yeah. It would be so out of character for someone who was caught on tape admitting to “grabbing women by the pussy” and forcefully kissing them to have done what these allegations claim. He has such little regard for women, and has faced no repercussions for his alleged vile actions, that he basically thinks he can get away with anything now. Even sexually harassing a United States Senator ON TWITTER.

Many on Twitter were quick to point out just how vile this tweet is:

Hollywood executives have resigned. Television anchors. Actors and performers. Celebrity chefs. But the man holding the highest office in the land sits smugly amongst decades of accusations — even after he was caught on tape essentially admitting to the behavior. It’s mind-boggling, really. During his campaign he once said that he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone, and he wouldn’t lose any voters.

Seems he was right.

This is a man who has never met consequences. And he is getting more and more dangerous.

Gillibrand responded to the tweet this morning:

No one wants to believe that we have a president who would act in such a disgusting, vulgar way — so it’s easy to try and make excuses for the tweet, or refuse to believe it’s harassment. But it is. It’s the definition of sexual harassment. Begging in quotes. And would do anything for them in parentheses. Men who say things like this about women know exactly what they are doing. They seek to demean, belittle, and embarrass. But Trump is only embarrassing himself with this latest stunt.

It’s almost impossible, with the frequency of his antics — but we can not allow ourselves to become immune to this behavior, or conditioned to accept it. Like Gillibrand says, “he won’t hold himself accountable. Therefore, Congress should investigate the multiple sexual harassment and assault allegations against him.”

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