
I Don't Miss You Being A Baby

by Jenn Press Arata
Originally Published: 

I’ve noticed a general theme of #staylittle and “babies don’t keep,” trending with new moms on social media and among my mommy circle. “It goes so fast, you’ll never get this time again. Before you know it your baby will be insert milestone here.”

They are right, it does seemingly fly by, and you certainly never will get those moments back, but you will undoubtably create new ones to cherish.

Now don’t get me wrong, there isn’t a moment of having my bright-eyed, cooing infant snuggle on my chest that I didn’t drink up every second of. And yes, I sat in a pool of tears as I packed up her itty bitty newborn clothes. And yes, even I thought to myself, please stay this little.

But if she did? Well first of all, I’d be mashing bananas with a spoon and carrying a diaper bag for the rest of my life.

So, to my little one, here’s why I don’t miss you being a baby.

While I would do it all over again with you in a heartbeat, sweet daughter, if I’m being perfectly honest, I don’t miss the sleepless nights, or the stacks of bottles to wash, or the fact that I had to shield you from the sun because you were too young to wear SPF your very first summer.

I don’t miss the fragility of your teeny bones, cringing every time someone new held you for fear they wouldn’t properly support your head. I much prefer your sturdy neck, your arms that hug and reach for me, legs that run and climb. I feel pride as you tackle new obstacles on the playground and twirl at ballet.

I don’t miss your helpless, sometimes urgent cries for nourishment. Instead, I marvel at the growth of your communication skills as you stand at the fridge requesting, “milk, please,” in your high pitched voice.

It feels like a privilege to gain a new little friend—a smart, funny, chatty, ball of energy—with your creative imagination and soaring independence.

Trust me, I’m not rushing any second of the now. Instead, I am soaking up the sweet innocence of today while looking forward to everything yet to come.

I want to be that mom scooting you off to after-school activities, cheering from the sidelines and having heart-to-hearts over hot chocolate with fluffy marshmallows.

I’m excited to take you to the movie theater, watch your expression on your first roller coaster ride, go for manicures, and bond over long lunches while you gush about your latest crush.

Although your sweetly scented newborn self will be forever imprinted on my soul, each step of your childhood comes with beautiful new challenges and opportunities. I will capture a piece of each stage in my heart, then be here with open arms to embrace ever-changing, flourishing you as we experience this journey together.

Because babies don’t keep. But you, my dear, always will.

This article was originally published on