
7 Ways To Set Your Kid Up For A Solid Night’s Sleep (So You Can Sleep Too)

Written by Una LaMarche

As any parent knows, no one who thinks “sleep like a baby” means a good night’s sleep has ever had a baby. Even when they get older, children often aren’t the best sleepers. Thankfully, with Vicks PURE Zzzs Kidz Melatonin Gummies and these tips, you and your kiddos can finally get some rest.

1. Diagnose the Problem

There’s a difference between a rough bedtime (the struggle is real!) and kids who have trouble falling asleep. Before considering a sleep aid, look for clues like tossing and turning in bed, laying awake after lights out, or frequent night waking without illness.

2. Treat Underlying Symptoms First

If your kiddo has a virus, chances are that’s what’s making bedtime such a nightmare. Treat symptoms with OTC medicines and make their bedrooms cozy with extra pillows and stuffies and a cool mist humidifier. If they’re not sick but they’re still tossing and turning, it’s time to try other tactics.

3. Ditch Evening Stimulants

We know you’re not serving your kids coffee with dinner (if you are, welp, there’s the issue!) but lots of things besides caffeine can keep them up. Try cutting off screens a few hours before bed, not serving any sugary desserts, or a calming bath in low light.

4. Explore Melatonin

Melatonin is everywhere these days, but what is it, exactly? Melatonin is a hormone our bodies make to regulate sleep-wake cycles, which is why it’s often used as a sleep aid. And when you’re giving it to kids, you want to make sure it’s designed just for them.

5. Start With a Low Dose

Vicks PURE Zzzs Kidz Melatonin Gummies are formulated by a team of dedicated experts to help your child fall asleep naturally.* With a low dose of melatonin mindfully crafted for kids ages 4 and up, you can sleep well knowing your little one is getting a good night’s rest.

For Ages 4+; *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

6. Stick to a Routine

Good sleep habits stick when you stick to a routine that works, so once you’ve found the magic combo, don’t deviate. Maybe it’s books and a bath, or soothing music and extra blankets, followed by a Vicks PURE Zzzs Kidz Melatonin Gummy as needed and a bedtime snuggle.

7. Prepare for Growth (in Every Way)

With a relaxing wind-down followed by a Vicks PURE Zzzs Kidz Melatonin Gummy as needed, you and your kids should be sleeping much better than babies. But kids change with age, so keep an eye out for growth spurts and other milestones that might necessitate tweaks in your routine.

A good night’s sleep is a parent’s sweetest dream, and with Vicks PURE Zzzs Kidz, you can rest assured your kids are getting the “Pure Zzzs” they need — so you can, too!

For Ages 4+; *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.