Go papa!

This Father’s Day, Send Dad These Hilariously Relatable Memes & Tweets

Of course, you might have to text Mom to tell him to check his messages...

Ariel Skelley/Photodisc/Getty Images

It’s Dad’s day to shine! What better way to celebrate Father’s Day than with memes and tweets that capture the true essence of daddyhood? Not only will these make him feel seen, but he can shoot them over to the other dads in his life.

For all the Star Wars dads out there. #IAMYOURFATHER

Dad = Swiss Army knife for all life’s problems.

When the days blend together.

Kids have the best timing.

The Father’s Day cake you didn’t know you needed.

It’s the simple things.

That’s fair.

Dad jokes reign supreme.


Sure, Dad.

Because Santa got the presents, duh.

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