
7 Celebrity Moms On Raising Daughters Today, In Honor Of International Women’s Day

Here are some of our favorite celeb moms talking about raising daughters.

by Kate Auletta
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Kerry Washington

She’s my teacher... I do think of myself as more of an ambassador for her to the world.”

Reese Witherspoon

“Having kids made me clearer about who I was as a woman. I just wanted to exhibit good qualities for my daughter. I was a little competitive before I had kids ― probably really competitive, to be honest. It really made me let go of that.”

Mindy Kaling

“...It felt like in the first year of my daughter’s life, there’s been a huge amount of awareness for women’s rights in the workplace, as far as feeling safe in the workplace and then also equal pay. So I feel really optimistic about it and excited that my daughter is growing up at such an exciting time.”

Jennifer Garner

“It’s really important for my kids to see that everyone doesn’t have the lives they see in Los Angeles. That doesn’t reflect the rest of the world. I want them to grow up with the Southern values I had ― to look at people when they say hello and to stop and smell the roses. If I could do half as good a job as my mom did, I’d be pretty happy.”

Kelly Clarkson

“I try to just be a confident female for her ― and I believe actions obviously speak louder than words, it’s an old saying but it’s very true. I’m sure [all of my kids will] end up in therapy for something. But I hope it won’t be for lack of confidence.”

Michelle Obama

“They cannot define themselves by looking at each other or looking at me or their dad. They have to take the time to get to know themselves — give themselves a moment to figure out who they want to be in the world, not who they think I want them to be, not what the rest of the world says about them, but to really think about how they want to shape their lives and how they want to move in this world. So, I don’t want them measuring themselves by external influences, and for young girls, that is hard to do.”

Kristen Bell

“I stopped saying, ‘It’s OK,’ to anything in their lives. My older daughter gets embarrassed a lot, and I don’t say, ‘It’s OK. It’s OK.’ I simply sit next to her and I say, ‘Do you feel embarrassed?’ And she’ll say, ‘Yes.’ And I say, ‘I feel embarrassed, too, sometimes. Sometimes I trip and I feel embarrassed or I break a bowl and I feel embarrassed. I used to feel embarrassed a lot more as a kid, but as you become an adult, some of that stuff goes away.”

Alex Morgan

“My goal is to raise a daughter that's confident, that's strong and believes in herself and that finds things she loves to do in life that fulfill her... I want her to see that she has no limits, that she feels fearless and like she can accomplish anything and everything. And I want her to be proud of her mommy."