
Man Catcalls Flight Attendant During Safety Presentation, Airline Responds Accordingly

by Jerriann Sullivan
Originally Published: 
Image via Getty Images/ Facebook

Alaska Airlines kicks idiot who catcalled flight attendant off flight

A dude was kicked off his flight after harassing the stewardess because Alaska Airlines is awesome and respects safety and women.

A few days ago as a flight was leaving Seattle’s airport where Alaska Airlines is based, a man allegedly catcalled the flight attendant in the middle of her safety instructions. Thankfully, Amber Nelson was seated near the rude dude and shared the experience on Facebook shortly after it. “Not all of us were paying very close attention. But a man in the row behind me changed all that by calling out ‘ooh, sexy!’ in response to a female flight attendant demonstrating how to use the life vest,” she reported.

The women on the plane felt uneasy but didn’t know what to say or who to say it to. “He was in a middle seat with a woman on either side of him – they were clearly uncomfortable. Just in front of him, the two women in my row and I exchanged uncomfortable glances. We were trapped on a plane with a guy who clearly disrespected women and saw us as his own personal entertainment,” Nelson wrote. “We all looked expectantly at each other, what will we do? How will we handle this? We can’t let him treat her like this because, aside from the fact that it’s wrong, we all know that if he treats her like this, the five of us sitting around him are now maligned just like her.”

The unnamed stewardess gave the guy a break. Instead of kicking him off the plane she “purposely walked up to him and said, ‘You need to be respectful,’ and started to walk back to her task,” Nelson explained. “He said, ‘C’mon, I’m just playing with you!'” And that – the rush to blame his victim for his obvious on-the-job harassment – was enough for the Alaska Airlines employee. “As she walked to the front of the plane, the safety instruction was abandoned and she convened a conversation with her colleagues,” Nelson said.

She went on to explain the extremely awkward situation when this asshat mismanaged his own public unraveling. “Tense moments passed and we saw an affable-looking man board the plane and walk our way,” she recalled. “The offensive man behind me started saying ‘I didn’t do anything wrong! I didn’t do anything wrong!’ The airline employee asked the man to gather his belongings and exit the plane.”

“It was everything we could do to keep from applauding as he was led away,” Nelson shared.

For Nelson it was personal, too. “Every woman I know has been through this kind of degrading experience,” she said. “I felt honored as a patron of the airline – and as a woman – because Alaska Airlines supported their staff and those of us on board who were demeaned by another passenger’s juvenile and exceedingly disrespectful behavior.”

Couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

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