
A mom wrote about mental load privilege and why men usually have it.
level the playing field
By Katie Garrity

Mental Load Privilege Is Real & Mostly Men Benefit From It

Why do moms typically carry the majority of the family's mental load?

let's all stop this

Why Do We Ask Our Partners If We Can Take A Shower?

It's default parenting meets mom guilt meets the patriarchy.

A woman in a cozy setting smiles and gestures while engaging in conversation with two people. The at...
Shaking Things Up

What’s A Unicorn In A Relationship? A Sexologist Breaks Down This Spicy Dating Dynamic

Start here before you go there.

tit for tat

This Woman Says She Doesn't Favor Her Mom Over Her MIL; She Just Matches Their Energy

They only want to be involved because they feel jealous of the daughter-in-law's mom.

Young woman, with short, curly hair, using phone, in her apartment, lying upside down.
Top Secret

11 People On When They Knew They Were Having An Emotional Affair

"When I was more excited about going to work than coming home, I knew I'd gone too far."

Two moms and their daughter. Parents not in a romantic relationship raise psychologically healthy ki...
Families in all forms

Kids Raised By “Elective Co-Parents” Do Just As Well Those Raised By Romantic Partners

Elective co-parenting is when two or more people decide to raise a child together outside of a romantic relationship.

level the playing field
By Katie Garrity

Mental Load Privilege Is Real & Mostly Men Benefit From It

Why do moms typically carry the majority of the family's mental load?

let's all stop this
By Sarah Aswell

Why Do We Ask Our Partners If We Can Take A Shower?

It's default parenting meets mom guilt meets the patriarchy.

Shaking Things Up
By Brianne Hogan

What’s A Unicorn In A Relationship? A Sexologist Breaks Down This Spicy Dating Dynamic

Start here before you go there.

tit for tat
By Katie Garrity

This Woman Says She Doesn't Favor Her Mom Over Her MIL; She Just Matches Their Energy

They only want to be involved because they feel jealous of the daughter-in-law's mom.

Top Secret
By Samantha Darby

11 People On When They Knew They Were Having An Emotional Affair

"When I was more excited about going to work than coming home, I knew I'd gone too far."

Families in all forms
By Megan LaCreta

Kids Raised By “Elective Co-Parents” Do Just As Well Those Raised By Romantic Partners

Elective co-parenting is when two or more people decide to raise a child together outside of a romantic relationship.

to nude or not to nude
By Sarah Aswell

A Mom Wants To Know If It's Weird That Her Husband Hates Their Naked House

He wants the kids to wear clothes and it's become a recurring argument.

It's Complicated
By Matthew Kaplowitz

This “Anti-Feminist” Meryl Streep Movie Is Secretly More Feminist Than You Remember

Forty-five years later, it's time to set the record straight on Kramer vs. Kramer's slanted look at divorce.

too funny
By Sarah Aswell

This Woman Made A 2024 Wrapped For Her Marriage & It's Hilarious

Spotify has nothing on this.

Let's Talk About Sex, Baby
By Samantha Darby

When Do You Have Sex? 16 Moms Divulge What Time & Where They’re Getting It On

In the closet or the bathroom, at 4 a.m., or on their lunch breaks…