Amazon Prime Now Delivers Wine In An Hour - What A Time To Be Alive

Prime members in certain states can get wine delivered in an hour
Amazon Prime is no doubt a game changer. It is what we use to avoid all malls during the holidays, find that impossible-to-find item on the school supply list, and shop freely without pants on.
But hold onto your hats ladies and gentlemen, because you can now get wine dropped off within one hour, as long as you’re an Amazon Prime Now member. We’ll give you a minute to let that information sink in, scream a little bit, and collect yourselves before we continue.
Here’s how it works – The Prime Now service is technically built into your $99 yearly Prime fee (if you are a Prime member) but you also pay $7.99 if you want your order delivered within the hour. And let’s be honest, when you need a drink, you need it NOW. There is also a minimum purchase of $20. Prime Now, which is currently offered in 30 cities around the U.S., offers over 25,000 items across 25 categories, including household items, groceries, electronics, gifts, seasonal items, and local restaurant delivery but HELLO Amazon now delivers wine directly to your house in under an hour so who gives a shit about any of those other things we just mentioned.
We’re pretty sure whoever shows up to deliver our heavenly Pinot (or nine) is a shirtless man resembling Jason Momoa who also offers to stay and clean our kitchen and play with our kids for an hour while we sip wine on the couch, watching closely but not too close to appear creepy. Don’t judge, it’s our dream.
Food & Wine reported that of the 30-plus cities that currently offer Prime Now, 12 are able to bring beer, wine, and sometimes even spirits. Right to your door. In two hours or less. Hallelujah.
If you live in any of the cities below, it’s time to do the happy dance:
•Cincinnati, IN
•Chicago, IL
•Columbus, OH
•Los Angeles, CA
•Minneapolis, MN
•New York City, NY
•Phoenix. AZ
•Portland, OR
•Richmond, VA
•San Diego, CA
•San Francisco Bay Area, CA
•Seattle, WA
So, if you are having one of those days where the kids make it impossible to get out of the house, a neighbor pops over and you find yourself sans wine, or it’s Monday — log on to Prime and you’ll be sipping wine in no time.