
Arts & Crafts Buckets

by Scary Mommy
Originally Published: 

For some time, I’ve been wanting to come up with a birthday present that was cute, original and useful to give as my token gift for the oodles of parties that the kids have. Something I could make ahead of time and personalize. Something that cost under 15 bucks. Something that the kids would enjoy and would invoke parental whispers about just how creative I am, and where on earth do I find the time? (Because, you know, it’s all about me.)

I figure all kids can use more art supplies; I know we can never have enough. So, last night I put together my first (er, Cannon’s) signature birthday bucket. It’s filled with finger paints, watercolors, play-doh, paper, home-made crayons (remember those?) fabric balls and stickers. I repackaged some of the junky looking supplies in cellophane and raffia. I put a vintage “C” sticker on the front of the bucket along with some ribbon and decoupaged over it. Stuffed the bottom with bright tissue paper, went a little ribbon crazy, wrapped it up and voila! (Next time I’m going to make a personalized “Blank’s Rainy Day Bucket” or “Blank’s Art Bucket” label instead. Live and learn.)

Anyway, I had fun making it last night and and plan on perfecting them over the next few months. Next up: “Bath Time Bucket” complete with rubber ducky, bath paint and toys, bubble bath, wash cloth and duck soap. Stay tuned.

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