Ashton Kutcher Just Taught Every Tabloid Not To Mess With Him

Ashton Kutcher shut down claims he cheated on Mila Kunis with one perfectly snarky tweet
There are a lot of reasons Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis are one of our fave celeb couples. They’re charitable and involved in a number of humanitarian causes, like the fight against sex trafficking. They’re an example for all of us of the adorable kind of love that results when best friends fall for each other. They’re both hilarious and honest about parenting their two kids.. What’s not to love?
Ready for another reason to love them? Check out the way Kutcher handled rumors about him allegedly cheating on Kunis. Seriously, it’s one of the best things you’ll see today.
The rumors came from Star magazine, which, granted, is clearly a tabloid whose coverage should be taken with a grain of salt, always. The paper got a hold of some paparazzi photos showing Kutcher with an unidentified woman, and printed them with a splashy headline asking, “Hey, Ashton! Who’s the girl?” The accompanying article accused Kutcher of stepping out on Kunis, who is his wife of two years and the mother of both his children.
Kutcher was not having it. He clapped back so hard, Star will probably still be feeling the legendary snark in his response tweet for weeks to come.
Next to a photo of the magazine page alluding to Kutcher’s adulterous ways, he wrote, “You should have heard how upset Mila was that I spent the day with our cousin. Sorry aunt Jodie these magazines lack integrity.”
Ouch. This is not a good day for whatever poor Star reporter wrote that article. That is the clap back heard ’round the world.
Of course, cheating accusations are probably a little bit of a sore spot for Kutcher, whose relationship with Demi Moore was absolutely plagued by them. It’s still considered the common-knowledge reason Kutcher and Moore split, even though there has never been any proof of infidelity in their relationship.
But also, couldn’t that reporter have done like, two seconds of leg work? That woman looks just like Kunis, so maybe that should have been someone’s first clue that they’re related. For any working reporter with a single ounce of research skill, it should have been the easiest day in the world to figure out the “mystery woman” getting out of Kutcher’s car was a family member. Sure, it’s splashier and more controversial to play dumb and accuse the Hollywood star of cheating. But in the world of #FakeNews, we need the media stepping up and having a little integrity — yes, even you, Star.