Here Are 'The Bachelor' Contestants Competing For Peter's Heart

Who will be trying to win Peter’s heart on the next season of The Bachelor? Meet the contestants
Bachelor Nation, we are less than three weeks away from the premiere of a new season, and the biggest day leading up to the start of Peter Weber’s journey as our new leading man is here: His contestants’ bios are up on the ABC website.
We know that diehard fans of the show will spend the next few weeks combing through all 30 bios, searching for any clues about what the upcoming season may hold. But if you’re just looking for the highlights, you’ve come to the right place. We analyzed every one of those bios so you don’t have to. Here’s what you should know with The Bachelor premiere right around the corner.
For one, these women are young. For the last few seasons, and since Colton (at the ripe old age of 24 himself) was in the leading role in particular, contestants’ ages have been skewed more and more toward the “early” part of “early twenties.” But while Peter, at 28, has a little more life experience under his belt than Colton did, his contestants sure don’t. Out of the 30 of them, four are 24 and seven are 23. And Jenna, the nursing student from Illinois, is just 22 years old, which means she was likely cast and may even have filmed at 21. That would make her one of the youngest contestants on the show, ever.
There’s one other trend we took note of while flipping through bios. While each season tends to bring a handful of women in common careers, like nursing, marketing, and real estate, this season, there are three flight attendants competing for Peter’s heart. I personally think the flight attendant falling in love with the pilot trope is a little tired, but Peter must not.
Seasoned Bachelor watchers will know that the people who tend to go far on the show don’t have the super memorable bios, because they’re just normal people. With that said, here are the bios that caused us to raise an eyebrow (or two), from contestants who might bring the drama, the comic relief, or the limo to take them home on Night 1.
Avonlea: According to her bio, 27-year-old Avonlea is a combination cattle rancher and runway model. No, seriously, she majored in ranch management and helps run her family’s cattle ranch, including thanking her cows as she milks them. She deserves her own entire spinoff show, but we’ll just go ahead and assume we’ll be seeing her on Paradise next summer.
Jade: 26-year-old Jade is one of this season’s flight attendants, but she’s also working on getting her private pilot’s license, which is so cool. She also revealed that she got divorced at age 22 after being pressured to marry young by her church.
Jenna: At 22, Jenna is one of the youngest Bachelor contestants we’ve seen in a hot minute. Her bio reveals that she loves her hometown’s nightlife, as any 22-year-old should. But is she still too much of a party girl to settle down?
Katrina: Whoo, OK, where to start with Katrina? At the ripe age of 28, she’s one of the oldest contestants this season. Her parents married as high school sweethearts, and her brother is marrying his high school sweetheart, while her younger sister is getting engaged soon to a longterm boyfriend. In her bio, Katrina confesses that her mom is putting the pressure on her to get hitched before her eggs dry up at, once again, age 28. Oof.
Lauren: Lauren confessed she gives exit interviews to all her exes “to figure out what went wrong,” she we’re excited to see Peter’s.
Maurissa: Maurissa is a former Miss Teen Montana, but after winning that title at an “average size for a teenage girl,” she was made to feel insecure about her weight. Ugh. She’s coming to The Bachelor having lost 80 pounds and counting, and our hopes for ever seeing size diversity on this dumb show are even further dashed.
Payton: She discovered on Facebook that she had a long-lost sister (in addition to the four siblings she grew up with).
Savannah: Well, there’s a lot to unpack here. Savannah admits to loving a good vampire facial, which isn’t inherently wrong but still a little gross? She also feeds turtles from her back porch and calls herself the “Turtle Princess.” And her ex cheated on her with one of her friends. And she had her cancer ribbon tattoo removed so she could try out for the Houston Texans cheerleaders. None of these things are inherently crazy, but it’s a lot of eyebrow-raising quirks in a sea of bios for quiet family women who like to knit and are ready to settle down. We think Savannah will be fun to watch onscreen.
Victoria P.: There’s always a tear-jerker on The Bachelor, and this season, it’s Victoria P., who lost her father at a young age, and whose mom and sister are recovering from drug addiction. Have the tissues close at hand when Victoria P. starts to open up.
Like we said, there’s no way to tell just yet whether these women will stick around on the show long enough for their personalities to shine, but we sure hope they do.
Peter’s season of The Bachelor premieres Monday, Jan. 6 on ABC.