
These Back-To-School Tweets Are Ridiculously Spot On

by Christine Organ
Originally Published: 

It’s that time of year again. When the kids zip up their backpacks filled with boxes of new pencils and a boatload of glue sticks. When parents’ snap pictures and try to hold back tears and sniffles because their little ones are growing up so damn fast.

That’s right. It’s back-to-school time. And thankfully, the good folks of Twitter understand the chaos and bittersweet emotions of another school year.

First, there are all those damn school supplies to buy.

But we’re secretly envious of our kids with their new shit.

And we might sneak in a few “supplies” for ourselves.

Because, priorities.

Sure, we try to hold in our emotions…

But our kids make it so damn hard.

We’re happy. No, we’re sad. No, we’re fucking elated.

Still, we’re crying. Why are we crying?

But there are silver linings to all those emotional tears.

And then comes the big day and there’s a collective sigh of relief by parents across the land.

And the celebration is commemorated with a shit ton of photos on Facebook.

And then we remember the school year means chaos and always being late…

And extra crap…

And the motherfucking carpool line.

Good luck and godspeed, parents. Back-to-school season is ON.

This article was originally published on