
Mom Tries To Control 4-Year-Old's Hilarious Outburst On Live TV, Fails

by Maria Guido

Kids have no filter. Kids have no concept of propriety. Both of those things can be totally frustrating, but they’re also the reason that kids are the best.

A mom and her 4-year-old son went on live TV this week to discuss a very serious issue: organ donation. Adorable Harry has already been through one liver transplant and is currently in need of another. The interview begins, and this happens:

We’ve all been in a situation where we absolutely could not control our hyper child, right? It’s Murphy’s Law of Parenting that this type of behavior happens at the most inappropriate time: in church, at the library, at a funeral — just think of a time where a frantic child would be the most obvious and embarrassing, and that’s when your child will decide to freak out. We are all this mom trying to calm down her child, aren’t we?

Harry and his mom are fantastic. He’s an excited child full of life and his joy has made this video go viral and brought even more attention to their cause. He impressively evades producers who try to capture him when he goes out of frame, and his laughter will not be stopped. His mom keeps it together with grace at a moment when you know she just wants to crawl in a hole.

This video is parenting small children, in a nutshell.