Dr. Anthony Fauci Got His Wish: Brad Pitt Played Him On 'SNL' And It Was Perfect

Dr. Anthony Fauci recently joked that he wanted Brad Pitt to play him on TV, and ‘SNL’ gave him just that
Saturday Night Live aired its second SNL at Home show, and this one was just as hilarious as the last. But nothing could compare to Brad Pitt playing Dr. Anthony Fauci in the cold open.
Pitt opened up the show by playing Fauci, who was attempting to break down some of the recent claims President Donald Trump has made about the coronavirus. As Fauci, he not only reminded us to keep an “open mind,” but also wanted to help the country out by trying to explain what Trump was “trying to say.”
But first, Pitt’s Fauci wanted to thank some of his fans. “First, I’d like to thank all the older women in America who have sent me supportive, inspiring, and sometimes graphic e-mails,” he said.
The sketch then proceeded to show clips of Trump talking about the coronavirus pandemic and offering his expert opinions, of course. The first clip showed Trump saying that the country would have a vaccine “relatively soon.”
“Relatively soon is an interesting phrase,” Pitt responded. “Relative to the entire history of Earth? Sure, the vaccine is going to come real fast. But if you were going to tell a friend, ‘I’ll be over relatively soon’ and then showed up a year and a half later, well, your friend may be relatively pissed off.”
The best part of Pitt playing Fauci is that on CNN’s New Day earlier this month, when asked which actor should play him on TV, Fauci said, “Oh, Brad Pitt, of course.”
People were most definitely here for the entire thing:
The next clip showed Trump saying that the virus would disappear “like a miracle.”
“A miracle would be great! Who doesn’t love miracles? But miracles shouldn’t be Plan A,” Pitt’s Fauci said. “Even [Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger] tried to land at the airport first.” Amazing.
Pitt went on to play some additional clips about disinfectants and sunlight, which we’ve become all too familiar with, and the camera returned to Pitt shaking his head and rubbing his face (even though he admits he knows better than to do the latter). It’s what we imagine the real Fauci wants to do every time Trump opens his mouth.
Pitt then takes off his costume to thank the real Fauci for his “calm and clarity in this unnerving time.” He also thanked the medical workers and frontline workers for protecting us all.
It’s hard to watch Trump during his press conferences and on social media but Pitt’s portrayal of Anthony Fauci gave us all some much-needed levity.