
Burn Survivor Who Wanted Christmas Cards Got Her Wish... And Much More

by Maria Guido
Originally Published: 

Safyre Terry’s wish for holiday cards came true, and then some.

Safyre Terry made headlines last week when her wish for Christmas cards went viral. The internet answered her call. The Facebook community started by her aunt, Liz Dolder, has been posting photo after photo of Terry posing next to boxes filled with cards. The card tree she wanted to fill — the one that started this whole quest — is overflowing, and then some.

Two years ago, Safyre lost her father, three-year-old sister, and two baby brothers after someone set fire to their home. She was found in her dad’s arms — his final act was shielding his daughter from the flames. She’s undergone over 50 operations because of the severe burns she suffered on 75 percent of her body. After the tragedy, her mother signed over custodial rights to Dolder. Dolder is the sister of Safyre’s father.

Safyre lost everything — her father, her mother, her sister, her brothers, her home, her favorite toy, her favorite outfit — everything that was familiar to her,” Dolder told TODAY Parents. “She even lost the one thing we all take for granted — her reflection. But she wakes every morning with a smile on her face. She is the true definition of hope, faith and love.”

Her hope has inspired people from all over the globe. Not only did she receive cards: she’s been busy opening Christmas gifts from around the world and the YouCaring site set up by her aunt has received almost $350,ooo. The original goal set for the page was $15,ooo. And the wonderful news doesn’t end there.

Yesterday, Terry was surprised at her home by a crowd, news cameras, and an announcement that she would be going to Disney World. From Today Parents: “The family will be traveling to Walt Disney World in February 2016, a vacation made possible by Baking Memories 4 Kids and Give Kids the World, an Orlando, Florida, resort designed to house the recipients of such trips during their week-long vacations.”

Every card, every toy, and every dollar is a material manifestation of what can happen when kindness and support is the only goal. What an awesome response. Here’s hoping there were a few more card trees sent to Safyre as well. She’s going to need them!

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