
This Girl Is Frolicking In A Field With A Burrito, Because Burritos > Boys

by Maria Guido
Originally Published: 
Image via Laura René Photography

Look at this loving photo shoot of a girl and her burrito

I grew up in California, where burritos are taken very seriously. A Mission Street burrito in San Francisco could probably sustain you for three days — but that’s not how we roll. We eat it in one sitting, and it better be a perfectly composed masterpiece. And don’t even get me started on the importance of the right salsa, and the guacamole-to-rice-ratio.

Burritos, when done right, are a delicious work of art. So to this girl who just frolicked in a field with a burrito and had a professional photographer document it — we get you. We really do.

Image via Laura René Photography

Laura Rene

Photographer Laura René and her daughter Emma were assembling an awesome burrito dinner. After Emma took a bite, she realized she was in love. “Emma took a bite of her burrito and nearly melted into her chair, while telling me that she would marry her burrito of she could,” Laura tells Scary Mommy. “A few seconds and a few bites later, Emma slowly turned toward me and said ‘I know what we’re doing this weekend! We have to do it! I’m in love with him (the burrito) and nothing is going to change that!'”

Emma wanted her wedding burrito photo shoot.

The heart wants what it wants. And can you blame it?

Image via Laura René Photography

Laura Rene

Burritos never mansplain iPhone apps and their functions.

Image via Laura René Photography

Laura Rene

Burritos don’t ask you to find their socks.

Image via Laura René Photography

Laura Rene

Burritos don’t wash all the dishes and leave the silverware in the sink.

Burritos don’t bump Scandal off the DVR list to record the latest UFC match.

Image via Laura René Photography

Laura Rene

If burritos could stop and ask for directions, they totally would.

Image via Laura René Photography

Laura Rene

Burritos would’t dream of putting an open bag of hotdogs in the fridge without sticking that open bag into another bag, for christ’s sake.

Burritos before boys. This girl is on the right track.

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