
Dad's Tweet About Depression Inspires Other Parents To Share Their Stories

by Mike Julianelle
image via Twitter/Craig Stone

This dad brought some major awareness to depression

A father took to Twitter to share a memory of a dark time in his life, when he was considering suicide. Eight years later, he revisited the moment, and shared a message of hope for other parents out there who suffer from depression.

The internet responded in solidarity.

Craig Stone is a successful author with three books under his belt, a writer for Guardian, and the father to a precious little boy. But eight years ago he was on Blackfriars Bridge in London, contemplating suicide.

Last week, he was back at the spot at which he felt his lowest, but this time he was with his son. And he used the opportunity to encourage others to hang in there.

His tweet, which included a photo of the bench he sat on while he considered giving up, has over 24,000 likes and 7000 retweets.

“See that bench. 8yrs ago I sat on it thinking about throwing myself off Blackfriars Bridge. Today, I took this pic of my son. Tomorrow might be the same. But it might also be brighter. It might even bring unimaginable brilliance. Hang in there. Love is always coming. #depression'”

The Twitterverse brought forth parents who’ve been in similar dire straits responded with their own stories of depression.

Plenty of non-parents chimed in too:

Craig listened and responded to many of the replies to his message. He explained how writing helped him climb his way out.

And he added further words of encouragement to anyone out there who feels like all is lost.

The proud dad made sure to remind anyone suffering from depression to seek help, and talk to others about it. A message that is particularly important for men and dads who still, in 2017, feel beholden to absurd macho standards that prevent them from being honest about their emotions and mental state.