Father Of Four Daughters Faints At Gender Reveal Of His Fifth Child

This dad got the shock of his life upon discovering that after four daughters, he’s finally getting a son.
The moment parents find out if their baby is a boy or girl can be fraught with emotion. Some couples so badly want a child of a certain gender and when they find out, big emotions give way. It’s probably safe to say that very few become so overwhelmed they faint, which is likely the reason this video of a dad fainting when he learns he’s getting a son has gone viral.
Julio Pena and his wife Kari are already parents of four daughters so when the exciting news came that the couple were expecting a son, Julio was a bit overcome.
Surrounded by family, Pena cuts into the cake, sees the telltale blue and promptly falls to the floor. His wife and family rush to his aid and the video ends but we saw what we needed to see. This dad was so excited to have a son he literally passed out.
According to ABC News, the reveal was a few days in the making as Julio and Kari had their ultrasound done and told the doctor to put the baby’s gender in an envelope. They gave the envelope to their 16-year-old daughter Chastity who went to the bakery and ordered the blue cake for her parents.
Pena told ABC News of the moment he figured it out. “It was like I collapsed and fainted at the same time.” His wife says, “He was so nervous. He was like…he was dying for a boy forever.”
This is so sweet and it’s wonderful that Pena will finally have the son he’s always wished for. While we have no doubt he loves his four daughters, he’s probably longed for years to have a boy in their family full of girls. And those girls are probably very excited to have a sweet baby boy to dote on and play with. It sounds like a fun family dynamic, for sure.
And of course, we know there are never any guarantees. A mom might hope for a girl so they can do nails and wear frilly dresses but her daughter might grow up to love baseball and only want to wear jeans. We can only speculate but part of the reason Pena was wishing for a boy likely has to do with activities he hopes to do with a son that he felt he couldn’t with a daughter. He’s probably also hoping for a particular kind of bond in their father-son relationship.
From my own experience, I can say that things might not pan out the way he hopes. My son loves dancing and singing, both activities I assumed I’d share with my daughter. She prefers baseball and basketball and discusses both at length with my husband. I’m glad I had a relatively open mind as far as what kinds of relationships I’d have with my children because they definitely didn’t end up preferring the things I thought they might based on their gender.
While it’s totally understandable to hope for one gender over another, it’s probably wise to keep in mind that all kids are different and the things you might imagine happening with a boy or girl may never come to fruition. The best we can do is love and support the kids we have and let the relationships develop as they may without letting our own preconceived ideas get in the way.