This Agency's 'F*ck 2020' PSA Is The Send-Off This Garbage Year Deserves

A Canadian ad agency created the PSA we all needed to give 2020 exactly the send-off it deserves
So, 2020 huh? This year has been, to put things mildly, absolutely fucking horrific, just a dumpster fire of pain, despair, disease, actual fire, and murder hornets. Yes, murder hornets. I mean, how do you even sum up all of the apocalyptic shit we’ve gone through this year? Luckily, more creative minds than our own have been working on exactly it. Enter this Toronto ad agency, and the PSA it created to give 2020 the only send-off that seems appropriate.
In the gloriously cathartic 90-second PSA, dozens of folks echo a truly global sentiment: Fuck you, 2020, and all the garbage you brought with you. This is literally the only “year in review” that will make any sense after this completely awful 12 months.
“Let’s start with a giant, ‘Fuck you, Covid-19!'” a healthcare worker says from outside a hospital.
“Fuck you for taking my job,” a guy adds, sitting outside his house.
“Fuck you for closing his school,” a mom says, standing in the doorway of her son’s bedroom. “Yeah, fuck you!” he adds from his bed, where he’s sitting in front of a laptop. All virtual schooling parents and kiddos will feel that.
PUBLIC Inc/Youtube
The PSA continues with a couple saying “fuck you” to this year for ruining their wedding, a man on the toilet saying “fuck you” to TP hoarders (remember them?), and folks adding their own, giant “fuck you’s” to people like Mitch McConnell, Derek Chauvin, and literally anyone who said “all lives matter” this year.
PUBLIC Inc/Youtube
“All lives will fucking matter when black lives fucking matter,” a woman helpfully points out.
In all, the PSA manages to throw 31 fucks 2020’s way (maybe 32 — the last one is too muffled to make out for sure). There are also plenty of birds shown to this horrible year. While there’s no way to fit all 7 billion people on Earth into one short ad, I personally feel like this video captures my sentiment well, so I’ll happily let these 32 people speak for me on this one. I have a feeling a lot of people will feel the exact same way.
PUBLIC Inc/Youtube
The PSA was created by Toronto agency Public, and what makes it even better is that it’s not a “fuck you” to 2020 just because (though that would also be understandable this year) — it’s a “fuck you” for a very worthy cause.
“This year, everyone could do with a little extra help,” the PSA says at the end, before asking viewers to text a middle finger emoji to a number to donate to the Mental Health Coalition (in the U.S.) or the Black Health Alliance (in Canada). Both organizations offer mental health support, particularly to the most vulnerable populations in 2020. That’s one thing we can all get behind this year.