A Gender Reveal Party In New Hampshire Set Off 80 Pounds Of Explosives

Another day, another gender reveal party gone wrong — this time in New Hampshire
From sparking a 10,000-acre wildfire, to ending in tragedy after a stunt plane crashed into the ocean off the coast of Mexico, gender reveal parties continue to get out of control. And the latest party to make headlines involved 80 pounds of explosives.
The gender reveal party took place in New Hampshire this past week; and it was such a blast, it not only set off reports of an earthquake, but it also could be heard from across the state line, the Associated Press reports.
According to the police in Kingston, N.H., they received reports of a loud explosion on Tuesday evening. They then responded to Torromeo quarry, where they found people who hosted a gender reveal party with 80 pounds of Tannerite.
Tannerite is an over-the-counter explosive target sold in kit form used for firearms practice, and is made by mixing aluminum powder with ammonium nitrate.
“A Kingston Police Detective met with the individuals that were on site, who cooperated with the detective and informed him that they were having a gender reveal party,” police said in a statement on Thursday, Boston Globe reports. “During the investigation, the detective was informed that the location, a quarry, was chosen as they felt it was a safe location to detonate the Tannerite.”
The blast was so strong, it was felt about eight miles south of Kingston, in the town of Plaistow.
“It was a loud boom that shook our four-family townhouse,” Plaistow resident Amy Owen tells the publication. She was watching her 9-year-old daughter play with her friends in the backyard at the time. “The kids stumbled and yelled ‘earthquake! and asked me what it was.”
For Sara Taglieri, another nearby resident, the explosion knocked pictures off her walls.
“We heard this god-awful blast,” Taglieri tells NBC 10 Boston. “It knocked pictures off our walls … I’m all up for silliness and what not, but that was extreme.”
Taglieri also told the station that neighbors reported cracks in the foundation of their homes.
Another nearby resident Jason Whitney says that he felt the shock from it against his house and windows.
“I can’t imagine a pregnant woman standing near that blast or being anywhere near that … would be good for her or anyone else standing there,” Whitney says. “It would probably be deafening to the people who were close to it. I hope no one is injured, and if a pregnant woman was there, I hope she is okay.”
Luckily, no injuries were reported; and the man who purchased and detonated the explosives turned himself in and is cooperating with the investigation. According to police, he could face criminal charges.
Since the blast, residents have complained of dirty water and a damaged foundation, the New Hampshire Union Leader reports.
“I’m hoping that in the next 24 to 48 hours it will settle and resolve itself,” says Plaistow resident Maggie Jasmin. “If not, we’ll probably be taking showers at my in-laws.”
Police said the investigation is ongoing and that they will make a determination on charges. In the meantime, we do know the explosive had blue chalk. So, uh, congrats on the baby boy?