Get in, Losers, We're Taking Down a Towing Company

The minute-long security camera footage shows DC reporter Britt McHenry—who’s blonde and, like, really pretty—firing off a bunch of smug one-liners at the company’s cashier after her car was towed while she was eating dinner at an Arlington Chinese restaurant. Highlights include: “I’m in the news sweetheart, I will fucking sue this place,” “Lose some weight, baby girl,” and—my personal favorite—”I’m on television and you’re in a fucking trailer, honey.” Which is totally the news reporter equivalent of “My dad invented Toaster Strudel,” and “I can’t help it if I’m popular.”
ESPN reacted just two hours after the video was released by suspending McHenry for a week. And even though McHenry apologized via Twitter saying, “I allowed my emotions to get the best of me and said some insulting and regrettable things. As frustrated as I was, I should always choose to be respectful and take the high road. I am so sorry for my actions and will learn from this mistake,” the reporter continues to be slammed on social media. She’s been christened everything from “disgusting” to an “entitled brat” with an “ugly heart,” with many calling for her firing.
But because everyone loves a good comeback story, this is not where Britt McHenry’s journey ends. A quick glimpse at the Alexandria, VA, Advanced Towing Yelp page shows that the company’s business practices are shady at best, and now some people are coming to McHenry’s rescue by tweeting their own Advanced Towing horror stories with the hashtag #TeamBritt.
Oh and if you’re wondering how the video became public in the first place, credit Gina Michelle, the employee on the other end of McHenry’s tirade. According to, Gina—who reportedly warned McHenry she was being recorded—has turned the story into her own personal Burn Book, spending the last several days actively posting about it on both twitter and on McHenry’s Facebook wall in an effort to get it picked up by the media. McHenry eventually blocked her because, like, she doesn’t even go here.
It’s like she has ESPN or something.
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