‘Giraffe Mom’ Gives Birth And Her Photos Are Epic

“He’s here! He is perfect, healthy and just beautiful!”
Erin Dietrich, aka Giraffe Mom, became an overnight viral hit with her hilarious video spoofing the world’s obsession with April the pregnant giraffe. As of yesterday, the wait for her little one is over and she’s sharing details of her son’s birth with the millions who fell in love with her as she paced around her bedroom, ultra pregnant, wearing a giraffe mask.
Because if a stunt like that can’t get a woman a dedicated fan base, what can?
Dietrich, of South Carolina, gave birth to baby boy Porter Lane last evening. It’s her family’s fourth child and he weighed in at 8lb 2oz and is 21 1/2 inches long. Mom and baby look adorable together. Well, we assume mom looks adorable, since she’s back in her giraffe mask.
The photo shows Dietrich breastfeeding her son and the caption tells us her new little guy is, “perfect, healthy and just beautiful.”
Dietrich also took the opportunity to thank everyone for the love and support. And she’s not kidding when she says support — her original video is now over 31 million views and has been shared more than 450,000 times. The comments are full of people cheering her on. The internet was definitely feeling her giraffe mask coupled with pregnant pacing.
And now, they’re loving her post-pregnant version. But before the grand finale, she gave fans a little more of what she’s famous for.
OK, this is adorable and all, but our first thought after watching that video was, “GET THAT FUCKING THING OFF ME.” Honestly, being in labor and having a giant giraffe mask on your head sounds like a complete nightmare. Dietrich is a great sport and really committed to this role, so we hope her audience appreciates it.
Image via Facebook
As of today, April the giraffe is still pregnant. A recent update from Animal Adventure Park says the baby will come soon. “All in due time and without a rush.”
Yeah, sure. Try telling that to a woman who’s about had it with being pregnant. We feel you, April. And we hope you find relief from your baby-growing duties soon.
This article was originally published on