High Schooler Takes Mom To Prom And The Internet Can't Handle The Sweetness
His mom missed her own prom — so he made sure she got one
Prom night is practically a rite of passage for high school students. Which is why when Joe Moreno’s prom night came around, he knew the perfect person to take as his date: his mom. Because she missed out on her own, he was determined to give his mom a night she’d never forget.
Warning: this story is almost too precious for words.
Moreno took to Twitter to share his mom’s story — she had to drop out of high school to raise him, and therefore missed out on a lot of those memorable, typical high school milestones. Including the prom.
Is that not the cutest, sweetest thing you’ve seen? OMG.
Moreno says he asked school officials personally if he could bring his mom, Vanessa — many high schools don’t permit students to bring dates over the age of 21 (because booze-smuggling liabilities), but clearly they were okay with making an exception in this adorable case.
He says his classmates love his mom. “They all had such nice things to say,” he tells Scary Mommy.
People are quick to talk about how “selfish” teenagers are, but there’s nothing but love, gratitude, and selflessness on display here. And everyone online is so here for it.
She may have sacrificed a lot, but Moreno’s mom can rest assured she did an excellent job in bringing up her son.
“My mom is absolutely shocked from all of this,” Moreno says. “She didn’t expect it to go viral.”
Aside from all the sweet responses, the best one in the bunch is the one from the girl who realized she and Moreno’s mom have the same taste in gowns.
My own parents found out they were pregnant with me when they were still teenagers. While they had a lot of help back in the day, I sometimes forget how much they missed out on. Considering how out of my league I felt after having my first baby at 30, I can’t fathom how much more difficult it would have been to become a parent in my teens.
For her part, Vanessa Moreno is incredibly proud of her son. Go ahead and grab a tissue before you read this one:
Couldn’t love this story more.
This article was originally published on