Justin Timberlake Calls Baby Son Silas 'The Greatest Gift Ever' In Sweet New Photo

Justin Timberlake celebrates the holidays by posting a new picture of his baby son on Instagram.
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel have an extraordinarily cute son named Silas Randall, but despite the fact that the baby has been around for eight months now, we generally don’t get to see very much of him. That’s because young Silas is very under-the-radar for a celebrity baby. Timberlake and Biel don’t show very many photos of their son and when they do, they usually make sure his face is hidden. They’re very conscientious about Silas’ privacy, and because they’re so careful not to splash his celebrity baby face all over the Internet, it somehow makes it even more special when they do share pictures, like they did yesterday with this sweet Christmas photo.
Image via Instagram
Silas might be Timberlake’s greatest gift ever–and Timberlake has probably received some pretty sweet gifts in his 34 years–but for the rest of us, getting to see another cute photo of Timberlake and his baby is a pretty nice present, too. It’s really more of a photo of Justin Timberlake than a family Christmas photo, as wife Jessica Biel is not pictured and Silas’ face is so well-hidden deep inside his cute red hoodie that all that’s actually visible is a hand and his pinchable little baby cheek. But that’s OK. Even though one can’t really see Silas, it’s still an incredibly cute picture, and the presence of Justin Timberlake nuzzling the baby in full-on Hot Dad mode certainly doesn’t hurt things.
An enormous percentage of the world’s population nursed an intense crush on Timberlake back in his *NSYNC phase during in the early 2000s, and at the time, I would have sworn up and down that nothing could have been more attractive than young Justin Timberlake with his frosted blond curls, but I was wrong. Baby-snuggling Justin Timberlake is much more attractive than macaroni-hair Justin Timberlake ever was.
Timberlake’s photo is an epic feat of cuddly sweetness that appears to have appealed perfectly to the world’s post-holiday sentimentality, because it has already been shared more than 673,000 times. He knows how to give the people what they want, and what they want is to see him cuddling his baby and calling his son “the greatest gift ever.” The only thing that could make this photo better and more shareable would be if Timberlake added a puppy, and that might actually break the Internet.
From the one or two photos Justin Timberlake has revealed of his son’s face in the past eight months, it’s clear that he and Jessica Biel sure have one cute celebrity baby, but they’re doing a good job of keeping him under wraps. The last time Timberlake posted a photo of Silas was last Father’s Day. At this rate, the world might not see the Timberbaby again until he’s a toddler, so we’d all better enjoy this one while we have the opportunity.
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