Grab A Tissue And Watch These Kids Choose Between Presents For Themselves Or Their Families
Kids are asked to choose between gifts for themselves or their family… and what they overwhelmingly choose may surprise you.
When faced with a tough decision, will these kids pick a Christmas gift for themselves or give it up for a gift for their family? That’s what UP Tv was wondering when they filmed kids from the The Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta being offered the toy of their dreams, then immediately facing the choice of keeping it, or getting something for their parents.
Grab a tissue.
What do you think your mom and dad would want for Christmas?
My mom would probably want a ring. She’s never really had a ring.
One by one, we see the kids’ faces light up as they’re offered the toys of their dreams. And one by one they give up the opportunity to have those toys so their parents can have a Merry Christmas instead.
UP Tv revealed that about 80% of the children they filmed that day chose to give their parents the gifts instead of taking one for themselves. On the video, we see that the kids end up getting both anyway — and UP Tv gave the all the kids they filmed both, even if they didn’t choose to relinquish their gifts.
A few minutes and a handful of children can teach us what the spirit of Christmas is all about.
These kids are the best.
This article was originally published on