There’s A ‘Cards Against Humanity’ For Parents And You’re Gonna Want It
KinderPerfect is like ‘Cards Against Humanity’ designed especially for parents
If you’re looking for a new game to bust out at get togethers with your fellow parent friends this holiday season, we’ve got a winner for you. KinderPerfect is like Cards Against Humanity, but specially designed for parents and the unique brand of humor that comes with years of sleep deprivation and binge watching Daniel Tiger.
KinderPerfect was created by DC-based husband and wife team Amy and Wayan Vota. The couple was inspired by their daughters — nine-year-old Hanalei and eight-year-old Archer — to put a parenting twist on Cards Against Humanity. “My wife and I loved playing Cards Against Humanity but we felt the cards didn’t really speak to our experience as parents,” Wayan tells Scary Mommy. “What are the true reasons why Mommy drinks? I’m going to put puke, pee, and Calliou.”
The couple started creating their own parenting-themed cards to mix in to their Cards Against Humanity deck. Soon their fellow parent friends were having so much fun with the made up cards that the group found themselves playing exclusively with their own cards. After a super successful Kickstarter campaign that raised over $20,000 from 800 backers you can now order KinderPerfect on Amazon, without having to put on pants (Yup, this game was made for parents).
The rules of KinderPerfect are pretty simple. The “Parent” player reads a red question card. Other players submit their best answer via the white answer cards. Just like in real like, the Parent resolves the conflict by declaring a winner and what they say goes. The person who wins the round is the Parent for the next round. Who ever has the most answers at the end of the game wins, which feels like some deep metaphor for life in general, TBH.
Vota says thanks to the Kickstarter campaign, they had no problems coming up with hilarious question and answer options for the original 210 card deck. “We had over 800 parents give us 7,000 card ideas — it was crazy,” he says. “Ask parents, ‘What drives you mad?’ and they’ll have a few answers.”
If you’re dying for a night of drinks and laughs with your fellow parent friends you can grab the original deck right now. Or you can pre-order the brand new 400 card deck that drops next week and have it arrive in time for Turkey Day. I know what I’m asking Santa for this year. So much better than another shitty tube of snowflake hand lotion.
We got a look at a few of the new cards, and they are shoot-pinot-out-your-nose levels of funny.
Image via Kinderperfect
Image via KinderPerfect
Image via KinderPerfect
Image via KinderPerfect
Using actual KinderPerfect players as sounding boards for ideas, the Votas worked to come up with new cards that could create answers that aren’t just funny but “perfectly cringeworthy.” Vota explains that the game is so fun because these cards echo the natural humor we parents deal with day in and day out. He says his goal was to create cards that would have players saying, “‘Oh dear God, let’s stop and have a conversation about the time I had to deal with a poop mural.'”
Image via KinderPerfect
Anything that gives me the chance to be declared the winner and doesn’t require booking a baby sitter sounds awesome. I know what we’re playing this year at Friendsgiving.