From The Confessional: ‘I Do Not Have Time To Leave My Husband, But Once I Do...’
21 anonymous parents share their confessions about divorce.

To some, divorce is a tragedy... to others, it’s a godsend. Both perspectives, and pretty much everything in between, are represented in submissions to the Scary Mommy Confessional. From people devastated to be single to people beyond thrilled to have a clean slate, here are 21 anonymous confessions about the end of marriage.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, please tell all through the link here. And if you want to browse past Confessions, head here.
I think divorce is GREAT for kids. My DC are better off for it and now they have a model of what healthy, functional adult relationships are supposed to look like. Plus a happy fulfilled mama! I think staying in an ugly marriage sets DC up for failure.
Confessional #25871244
Divorce has been great for my kids too. My girls are seeing me single, happy, taking care of us by myself, and not needing a f*cking man around. You do not have to be "coupled up" with someone in order to feel important or whole.
Confessional #25871344
This divorce needs to hurry the hell up and be over with already!!!!!
Confessional #25871220
My wife, woman I’ve been with for 23 years, is divorcing me.... I’m broken..... 😔😔💔
Confessional #84596742
I’m only staying married until my child is older. Resent DH badly.
Confessional #5580941
Your friend getting divorced may be happier than you think!
Confessional #25871323
Binge eating, booze, trashy tv, and video games are how I cope with being married to someone that no longer makes me happy. But we have kids, so I would never divorce him. It would devastate them.
Confessional #25871307
When people talk about meeting their spouses in heaven, it freaks me out so much. Will I be abandoned, divorced and alone in heaven too? Looking around at all the happy couples just like I do now? Ugh. Or am I going to hell for getting divorced?
Confessional #25871011
The idea that you go to hell if you get divorced was made my up by the patriarchy to keep women in bad marriages.
Confessional #25871067
As of today, I am officially divorced. Yay!
Confessional #10364883
I’m 45, divorced for 6 years, single mom. I think I’ll be alone forever. I’m devastated.
Confessional #6493489
I don’t like my husband anymore. I want out but the kids are too young 😢
Confessional #3249893
After a horrible divorce from a remorseless cheater, I can finally feel my soul slowly returning. Welcome back, me. I’ve missed you.
Confessional #6998035
H wants a divorce. Married almost 30 years. He expects me to just let him drop me off at my parents house without anything, including a car. He has no idea who he's f*cking with.
Confessional #4563902
I can’t stand my husband since he retired. I did all domestic chores while raising our kids and now he expects it and just doesn’t help. Kids grown I work full time. Divorce...?
Confessional #8958344
If I really considered my feelings, I’d be getting a divorce
Confessional #5759834
I don’t want to divorce my husband...but I don’t want to have sex with him either.
Confesional #6489351
I’m pretty sure my marriage is over. And I’m not upset about it. Just worried about $.
Confessional #4589954
I think I want a divorce. I don’t love my husband the way I used to.
Confessional #45805039
I wish I had followed my dreams instead of marrying my ex husband
Confessional #45394818
I do not have time to leave my husband, but once I do...
Confessional #3294095