From The Confessional: 'I Truly Loathe My MIL'
17 parents share what’s really on their minds

There’s always a mix of topics addressed in the Scary Mommy Confessional, and accordingly, you’ll find confessions about a number of different subjects in the roundup below. But — maybe because we’re entering the season of festive family get-togethers — in-laws were certainly on people’s minds this time around. Here’s what 17 parents anonymously shared.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, please tell all through the link here. And if you want to browse past Confessions, head here.
I’m dreading the holidays with both my side and my husband’s!
Confessional #61592430
Raising my husband is harder than raising my kids.
Confessional #61772837
I like the empty nest
Confessional #61729598
Hate living close to unsupportive in-law family. Ready to move!
Confessional #61727265
I don’t like a lot of the parents of my kids friends.
Confessional #61725438
I tell my husband I don’t hate his mom, but maybe I do.
Confessional #61625534
I have no interest in sex and my husband is always ready to go. I’m afraid it’s going to ruin us
Confessional #61623765
I don’t want to be on Instagram as much as I am..
Confessional #69897085
My husband doesn’t understand that a mom naturally has more responsibilities than a dad.
Confessional #61528934
I truly loathe my MIL
Confessional #61728376
I sometimes get jealous of moms who have more than one baby because it’s not in the cards for me.
Confessional #61598245
Plan to go to therapy for the first time ever & I’m very nervous
Confessional #67856528
It’s easier to do things when my husband isn’t here
Confessional #66125982
I am struggling to take care of my child and work full time, yet sending her daycare pains me.
Confessional #67696543
I’m so tired of asking for basic needs. Just f*cking look around, recognize it, & DO IT!
Confessional #67125289
I miss my life before kids
Confessional #61728872
I genuinely love my in laws and just recently moved them into my house. Everyone keeps telling me it was a bad idea. I’m not sure yet though.
Confessional #61925398
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