“I’m Married But Wading Into Emotional Affair Territory With A Coworker & Don’t Want To Stop.”
In the latest Confessions roundup, the moms (anonymously) get spicy.

Nothing takes quite a toll on a relationship like parenting. For some couples, parenting makes your relationship less of a priority, and many people struggle to feel connected to their partner again. For others, parenting and raising a child together makes you realize that the person you thought was the one actually isn’t — like, at all. This week’s Scary Mommy Confessions include a lot of spicy admissions, with some confessing to straight-up affairs and others confessing that they wish they were single so they could pursue something new. Even if you can’t relate, there’s plenty to commiserate with here.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.
Having a hard time deciding when to tell my ex-husband and kids about my new boyfriend.
Confessional #52763147
My BFF’s husband cheated, and I just wanna know all the details.
Confessional #51214729
I feel like my son’s friends’ moms are shutting me out and not including him, idk why.
Confessional #53452472
My 14 year old daughter’s daily anxiety is killing me.
Confessional #51901185
I’m sleeping with my coworker. And don’t feel guilty about it at all.
Confessional #54838056
My bff told me he loves me. He’s also newly single. I wish I was, too, bc the feeling’s mutual.
Confessional #54028134
I want to be in an open relationship.
Confessional #51741544
I think I need to leave my husband.
Confessional #54524767
My husband and I haven’t had sex in 5.5 months. He won’t initiate it and I’m just waiting.
Confessional #54304345
I’m mourning that third baby I will most likely never get.
Confessional #51240101
Mutual crush — he’s 14 yrs younger. We’re both in relationships, and would cheat in a second.
Confessional #53904346
I’m married but wading into emotional affair territory with a coworker and don’t want to stop.
Confessional #52518710
I want a divorce after my son graduates high school in June.
Confessional #52648516
I would rather spend all my free time with my friends than my husband. He is no fun.
Confessional #53728984