You Can Now Buy ‘Notorious R.B.G' Lipstick To Pay Homage To Her Majesty

The RBG lipstick comes in a brilliant, ‘bad bitch’ berry shade
We all know the right lipstick can make a girl feel good. But a lipstick named after one of the most powerful women in history will make all of us feel like the badasses we were born to be.
Cosmetics company, Lipslut, recently came out with their newest shade of awesomeness called Notorious R.B.G. The lipstick (and moniker) were being demanded by their fans as a way to pay homage to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The matte lipstick is a liquid “iconic, brilliant, bad bitch berry” color and according to the company, “In honor of Justice Ginsburg’s commitment to equality, 50% of all earnings from Notorious R.B.G. go towards supporting organizations that embody her ethos. These organizations are to be chosen by the people, as with every lipstick purchased comes an opportunity to vote.”
Image via Lipslut
That’s right — of every single purchase you make (this one is $19.95), 50 percent goes towards charity. For Notorious R.B.G, Lipslut will be working with Equal Rights Advocates, and She Should Run, among others.
The response to the new shade has been huge, with thousands of women nationwide already pre-ordering the shade, which will begin shipping in late March of this year. “We’re supporting organizations that embody everything we love about her,” Katie Sones of Lipslut tells Scary Mommy.
Image via Lipslut
Image via Lipslut
If the name Lipslut sounds familiar, you may remember them as the creators of F*ck Trump lipstick. Not only did they produce a fabulous hue, for a month last summer 100 percent of the earnings were donated to support families that have been separated at the border (plus 50 percent to a charity of the purchasers choice at all other times). And with almost $200,000 donated to Planned Parenthood from F*ck Trump, it really lives up to its name.
Image via Lipslut
They also produced the glorious F*ck Kavanaugh matte lipstick, “a cool, calm, and collected deep red,” a nod to Christine Blasey Ford’s bravery. Its most popular charity has been, RAINN, The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network.
Image via Lipslut
There are so many ways people can give back and to organizations near to their heart, especially in today’s society where critical programs are getting funding pulled and activism is front and center. Not only does Lipslut make gorgeous lip shades, but they put their money where their mouth is and donate serious money on their customer’s behalf.
Fans will be patiently waiting for the latest nod to our most commanding female leader, and we will wear it with pride knowing, even if no one else does, that we are paying our respects to the brilliant and badass Lady Ginsburg.
This article was originally published on