This Little Girl And Her Pet Duck Are Breaking The Internet

Kylie and her pet duck go to the beach, sleepovers, and even sled together
A 5-year-old girl from Maine and her pet duck are so ridiculously cute that you’ll want to run out and find ducklings to adopt after meeting the unlikely pair. Kylie Brown takes Snowflake almost everywhere she goes because, well, that is what a mom does. “I’m his mom,” she said. When challenged on the topic of the duck’s real mama, Kylie wasn’t phased. “Yep, I’m his mom.”
Snowflake agrees. After meeting Kylie last summer, the male duck imprinted on her and hasn’t left her side since. “We brought him home, this little yellow furball is squawking in a box, and Kylie walked over to the box and leaned in, and he was quiet,” Kylie’s mom, Ashley Brown, told ABC 13. “Everywhere she went he was quiet. And if she went missing, he would squawk and panic.”
And from there the two became best friends. Snowflake refused to sleep in the backyard, so the Browns put a diaper on him and made him an indoor duck. “He goes everywhere that ducks are allowed and almost everywhere they’re not allowed,” Kylie’s dad Mike told CBS News. He waits for her to come home from school at the bus stop, rides in the car for various outings, and even attends sleepovers with his young mom.
Pet ducks are fairly popular on TV shows. Chandler and Joey had one on “Friends.” And Phil on “Modern Family” recently learned about raising ducklings. But Kylie’s real-life bond with Snowflake is sweeter than any scripted story. In the summer, Snowflake goes to the beach and in the winter Kylie takes him sledding. He even went as Olaf the snowman when the family went with “Frozen” costumes this past Halloween.
In addition to gaining an adorable and meaningful friendship, Kylie’s learning a lot about caring for others. “I’ve seen (Kylie) grow up,” Ashley Brown said. “She’s become very responsible. She takes very good care of him.”
Meet the inseparable pair in the video below.
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