Mom Feeds One Baby Formula, One Baby Breastmilk -- And Proves 'Fed Is Best'

This mom is living the “fed is best” life by using formula and breastmilk
Whether you choose to breastfeed your babies or formula feed your babies, there’s one thing we should all be able to agree on: keeping up with the demand of hungry babies is hard, period. No one proves this statement better than mom Maya Vorderstrasse.
Her latest Instagram post shows there is more than one right way to feed a baby.
Vorderstrasse says she always dreamed she’d breastfeed her children “for as long as I could,” but as many moms know all too well, sometimes our bodies have other plans.
“I breastfed my first daughter until she was 6 months old, and I loved all of it,” she writes. “It was our time together, so special…and no one could take that from me.”
Well, no one except another baby, that is. Because even in utero, they can be pretty demanding. (We kid. Kinda.)
“I got pregnant when she was 2 months old and by the time she was almost 6 months old, my milk was gone, dried up, like, it disappeared,” she says. “I felt my heart shatter, and the guilt consumed me.”
Having to let go of something you desperately want to do for your child is awfully hard. It’s difficult enough feeling out of control of our bodies when we’re new moms.
“My inspiration [for the post] came from getting my oldest’s bottle ready while I breastfed my youngest,” Vorderstrasse tells Scary Mommy. “Our story played in my head like a movie and I remembered feeling so sad, guilty and embarrassed for having to stop breastfeeding my oldest. Now I look back and I would not have changed anything. She was always so happy when I fed her a bottle, that I stopped caring about everyone else thought. She was healthy and happy, and so was I!”
Look, nothing is going to deter a fed baby from feeling happy and satisfied. And absolutely nothing on earth can change the bond between a mother and her baby. Breastmilk gives babies everything they need to eat, grow, and thrive. So does formula — because that’s what it’s designed to do.
“So I don’t know about your journey,” she concludes in her post. “But I can tell you that whatever your choice or circumstance, don’t ever feel guilty or like you are inadequate. Ever. Just love them and do the best you can. You’re a rockstar. No. Matter. What. Whatever your feeding routine consists of, it is hard being a mother, so let’s show support for each other! To me, fed is best.”
Vorderstrasse says the response to the photo she shared has been “beautiful.”
“Mothers commenting on my post, struggling and feeling ashamed for formula feeding their babies because they couldn’t breastfeed? That’s cruel,” she says. “I am so happy that so many could relate and finally feel better about it. No matter what our choice as a parent is, what matters is that our children are fed and loved. Our journey is unique, and we shouldn’t feel anything but joy.”