
Mom Caught In Horrific Hail Storm Becomes Human Shield To Protect Baby

by Cassandra Stone
Image via Facebook/Fiona Simpson

This mama shielded her tiny baby from hail the size of tennis balls during a severe storm

An Australian mom was recently caught in a severe hail storm that forced her to act as a human shield to protect her infant daughter when the hail blew out the windows of her car. The photos of the damage the hail did to her body are horrific.

Fiona Simpson says she was driving in a rural town near Brisbane, Australia with her baby and her grandmother when the storm became so intense, they were trapped inside their car. Once the hail grew to the size of tennis balls, the vehicle’s windows shattered.

“I’ve learnt my lesson today, NEVER drive in a hail storm!” Simpson shares on Facebook, along with sobering photos of the damage the hail wreaked upon her body.

“We parked on the side of the road when the storm got too heavy and the hail blew out our windows,” she says. “I covered my infant with my body to stop her from getting badly injured.”

Could you imagine? They always say mothers could lift a car off their trapped child — and this isn’t much different. Simpson knew they were in danger and her baby was particularly vulnerable to such destructive, intense hail. Those bruises are intense, but any mom worth her salt would do the same thing to protect their baby.

“I know I’ll be sore tomorrow,” she writes, noting her entire back, arms, and head are seriously bruised. The photos don’t lie — this mama proves not all heroes wear capes. People all over the world seem to agree.

Some even offered a little levity to the situation.

Most people think this woman is due for a little spa treatment or time off, and rightly so. She’s earned it!

Australian news sources say the storm Simpson and her family were caught in was so intense, a tornado was reported. Local crops were shredded and several roofs were torn from buildings as well. And to think, Simpson, her grandmother, and her infant were trapped in the thick of it — with no protection from the elements except their own bodies. In an updated Facebook post, she says her grandmother had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days, but is doing just fine.

Simpson says she’s overwhelmed by all of the support people around the world have shown for her and her family. “I just wanted to alert people to the danger,” she says. “I’m just so relived [sic] that my daughter and grandmother are alright.”