People Who Freak Out About Crying Babies On Planes Are The Absolute Worst

Instead of rolling her eyes, a woman helped a fellow mom deal with her crying baby on a plane
Every parent knows the anxiety-inducing nature of air travel with kids. As long as they maintain their chill, all is well. If they decide to totally lose it? You’re stuck. Literally. On top of that are the judgy jerks who wish you’d just make that kid be quiet, as if it’s a choice. But once in awhile, out of the assholes, emerges a hero. Like this woman who rescued a mom in the weeds on a flight alone with her toddler and baby.
This is Kesha Bernard.
Image via Kesha Bernard
She was on a trip to visit a friend recently, sans kids. The mom of two achieved the holy grail and was traveling by herself when she saw another mom in distress. She decided to help her out and posted the story to Facebook where it quickly went viral.
“Here I am on vacation away from my kids (who I absolutely love to death but sometimes you need a break from toddlers) and I’m flying with an infant on my lap,” she writes. Why?
“Because Im a decent human being….it takes a village.”
Bernard spotted a fellow mom dealing with a tantruming toddler and fussy baby. Instead of ignoring her, glaring at her, or telling her to quiet the kids down, she helped her.
As the mom of a three and four-year-old, Bernard is no stranger to toddlers being “assholes,” she writes. After boarding her flight at 5:45 am (ugh) there were some weight issues with the plane that caused a delay in take-off. The plane was packed and everyone was just sitting there waiting — and that’s when she heard the baby start to cry.
“Obviously I’m totally used to crying and whining so I tune it out. Everyone around me starts huffing and puffing and mumbling. Then…I hear 2 kids crying (holy s!#$ right?) This lady has her toddler having a full blown melt down over her seatbelt being on (toddlers are dramatic thats nothing new),” she writes.
Bernard says her “mom powers” made her able to ignore and tune out the toddler and baby, but there was other questionable airplane behavior she simply couldn’t ignore. From grown adults.
“I hear a woman complaining to this mother (that’s alone with two crying kids) that her child needs to stop kicking her seat. THEN I hear the mother say ‘she’s three, I cant believe you just did that.’ Apparently the lady reached behind her and grabbed the child’s leg (aka ‘oh hell no’).”
Oh no. She did not put her hands on this woman’s child.
On top of that, a flight attendant stood by doing nothing. An older man ever-so-helpfully piped up about how this poor mom’s discipline “isn’t working.”
Bernard was hoping another passenger closer to the mom would help her, but instead, she turned around to see people mumbling and staring as she tried to manage all three of her kids. Yes, she had another older child with her in addition to the toddler and baby. Luckily, the big one was behaving perfectly.
So what does Bernard do? She hops on back there and offers to help. She says the mom was visibly relieved and had a “hell yes” look on her face when Bernard scooped her baby up.
The plane took off shortly after Bernard settled into her seat with the baby, who promptly fell asleep.
Moral of the story? “Complaining and mumbling doesn’t do a damn thing except make the person that needs help feel worse.” Bernard mentions a woman covered her ears to block out the crying. Seriously, lady? She also laments the fact that not a single other person on the flight offered to help.
“How we can ignore a human in distress beyond me. Please be kind. Please be considerate. Help one another…it makes everything easier. I promise you wont die.”
Bernard tells Scary Mommy that the response to her viral post has been positive. “People are telling me I’m an amazing human being and that my story restores their faith in humanity. I’m getting stories from other mothers about their experiences. I just feel that what I did is something anyone with a kind heart would have done. I don’t see myself as being a ‘hero’ or ‘amazing’ I’m just a real person who understands the struggles of motherhood.”
She says, “I’m super happy and humbled that my act of kindness is touching people in the way that it is. Like I said…. It takes a village.”
This article was originally published on