Mom's Time Lapse Video Of Her Entire Day Is Relatable AF
Her partner asked what she does all day — she showed him
As a work-at-home mom, I often feel as though I’ve cycled through an entire 24 hours before 9 am. Between getting myself and the kids up and ready for the day, checking emails, dealing with a needy puppy, packing lunches, and attending to all the little things that get our household running, I’m exhausted almost immediately.
But of course, there’s still the whole rest of the day to get through — and that’s why one mom’s time-lapse video of exactly what she does all day will resonate with stay-at-home parents everywhere.
Gemma Chalmers, a stay-at-home mom to two-year-old son Kayle, decided to show her partner, John Jones, how her 12-hour days caring for their child go after he told her to enjoy her “day off” after leaving for work.
Because if there’s one thing you should never say to a stay-at-home parent, it’s “enjoy your day off.”
“All weekend my lovely partner has been moaning that I do nothing all day, so I thought I’d show him a full day.” And she did exactly that, filming herself for an entire day to create an 8-minute time-lapse video — and it’s tiring just watching it.
The Scottish nail technician (during the time-lapse, you can see that she has a client over after caring for her son all day) has an extremely busy day spent doing basically everything. The video shows Chalmers going through every motion of caring for a toddler while also doing chores around the house — because even though a two-year-old needs constant care and supervision, someone still has to make meals and snacks, make the beds, do the laundry, and shuttle kids back and forth from the bouncy house and the pediatrician’s office.
And that someone is often the stay-at-home parent.
She ticks off her numerous roles as a stay-at-home parent. “Also a cleaner, a driver, a cook, a storyteller, a nurse, a playmate, a toddler wrestling coach, a teacher, an art Director, a potty trainer, a Champion tickler, a wardrobe stylist, a personal dresser, a laundry operator, a personal shopper, and many more.”
Chalmers writes, “Before I even started this video I had two smashed glasses to clean up as the little man thought it be funny to throw then off the kitchen unit. I emptied the dishwasher, gave the little man breakfast, managed to get a quick shower(with the little man coming and checking on me throughout) changed his bum and got dressed myself.”
Sound familiar? Of course, this situation isn’t exclusive to stay-at-home parents — any mom or dad who’s spent a full day alone taking care of the kids knows how it goes. You are non-stop motion from sun up until you pass out on the couch after watching maybe 20 minutes of that new Netflix show you’ve been meaning to check out. Because 20 minutes is about all you can manage after a full day of parenting solo.
And stay-at-home parents do this every. single. day.
Chalmers tells Scary Mommy the reaction to her video proves how relatable it is. “It’s been quite amazing, every mum or house person has said it is so true and thinks that the working partners should take note.”
Although the time-lapse is hitting home with other moms, Jones still isn’t sold on how busy Chalmers’ days can be. “John is not convinced yet,” Chalmers tells The Mirror. “He was like, ‘you don’t do all that’. I might even make another one now just because of the amazing reaction it got.”
Hmmm. Maybe we should all make videos for Chalmers to show her partner. Because I can guarantee this is how most of our days look too.