Heartbroken Mom Begs Parents To Accept Responsibility For Their Bullying Children

Mom thinks parents should be doing more to make sure their kids aren’t bullying
Leigh Davey and her husband spent time last week sitting by their 12-year-old daughter’s hospital bed as she recovered. Their beautiful daughter, Eva, wanted to kill herself. End her short life. All because of relentless bullying she’s been experiencing at school and online.
The couple, in Australia, posted this heartbreaking and powerful picture of their daughter on Facebook. In it you can see Eva’s dad Carl, stroking her head as she lay in a hospital bed. “Not many of you know this, but our beautiful girl has been subjected to some awful bullying at school,” Leigh, Eva’s mom, writes.
She revealed that her daughter has been tormented for seven months. Seven months their little girl has been subjected to non-stop harassment and abuse. The perpetrators? KIDS. And last week the family had to spend hours in the hospital with psychiatrists, doctors, and nurses because they found out their daughter made a plan to commit suicide.
“In this age of social media, children (because they are children) think it’s ok to send hateful messages (to me also along with their parents who won’t take responsibility) without consequences,” Leigh writes. She explained that she’s tried to get through to these parents, to no avail. She’s asked them to talk to their kids, but according to her, they won’t. They won’t even hear her out.
It’s not only messages her daughter is recieving, these kids are using video to harass her daughter in school. “Our girl has had a video taken of her sitting at her desk at school, legs slightly open, with a lovely caption about the smell. It was posted to snapchat,” Leigh writes. This is real life. This is the reality our kids are growing up in and it’s vile. It’s unacceptable.
It’s also clear from this very raw post that not only is the harassment relentless, so are the road blocks. Leigh explained that she’s tried prosecuting and seeking legal action because the video could be considered photographing and distribution of pornographic material – but officials determined it wasn’t. The perpetrators faced minimal repercussions. “The girl who posted the video lost her playtime. The person who took the video? Nothing, because no one would tell who it was,” she writes.
Additionally, the school allegedly told Leigh the department of education doesn’t expel children from school for bullying because, “Every child is entitled to an education.” But what about her kid? What about Eva? Isn’t she entitled to a safe education too?
If that’s not horrific enough, the DOE in her area also allegedly followed up with some pretty heartless advice. “The WA department of education also told me, ‘You should teach your child how to be resilient against bullies.’ Yes, they said that.”
She also reveals that her daughter has been sent home numerous times for self-harming at school. “She’s not allowed a pencil sharpener as she takes the blade out and cuts herself.” So here you have a young girl crying out for help, giving signals and waving the red flag that something is not right, but the school simply takes away sharp objects. A necessary move, but what about the root problem? The cause? The bullying? Why not address that more aggressively and appropriately?
The reaction from fellow parents has been particularly disturbing. “I’ve defended our daughter, approached parents and pleaded with them to talk with their children and ask them to stop. I’ve even approached the children themselves, but been threatened by parents with harassment,” she writes.
At the end of the very raw post, Leigh implores parents to be diligent and check up on their kids. Even if that means invading their privacy a bit.
“Please, in this awful age of social media (or anti-social media as we call it) check your children’s messages,” she writes. “Their devices are a priviledge, nothing more, nothing less, so please make sure they are being polite and respectful in their messages.
“Bullying affects the whole family, not just the bullied. It needs to stop and it needs to stop now!”
This article was originally published on