
A Mother's Love Spans Generations

by Sara Lindberg
mom's love
Sara Lindberg / iStock

She looks like you. That’s what everyone says. I find myself catching little moments where I see your face—your strong expressions, your lines. When she smiles, I see the same gap in her teeth. Looking at my daughter reminds me of you.

She is strong like you. People sometimes call it stubborn. I see it as brave and sure of who you are. You are a woman of strength, courage and dignity. I see that in her.

She is selfless like you. As she gets older, I find myself thinking about you and how you raised your kids, every action with intention, every moment with love. I see that in her.

We grew up watching you give to others with graciousness, expecting nothing in return. You always put everyone else’s needs before your own. You have always had an intuitive nature to read people and know exactly what to do. I see that in her.

It’s hard to break through to her; her feelings are locked up tight. It reminds me of talking to you, always working fearlessly to hold your emotions tight so you could focus on others, filling every moment, every space with care. She is so much like you.

I see you when she falls asleep with her glasses on and books scattered all around. Her body is like yours, strong and solid. She is tough and extremely sensitive; those two strong characteristics always seem to be in conflict, challenging her head and heart. It reminds me so much if you.

She hardly ever talks about herself. Her words are always about someone else, her eyes always focused on the emotions and needs of others. She is just like you.

People often comment on how kind, giving and caring she is. They look at me. Give me the credit. I always find myself smiling and thinking about you. You taught me all of those things. Her generous heart is from you, because of you.

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really want to be. You did that. You taught me how to do that, and now together, we are teaching her.

I couldn’t do this without you. Motherhood is hard work. You always stand beside me, allowing me to forge my own way, letting me make mistakes, holding my hand and wiping my tears while I learn from them, guiding me down my own path.

Mom, thank you. Thank you for teaching me about kindness, graciousness, selflessness and generosity. Thank you for instilling in my children those same values. Thank you for being the best teacher we could ever have.

All that I am and all that I hope to be, I learned from you. Mom, you are nothing short of amazing.