
When It Comes To Bingeing On Fave TV Shows, Moms Are Sneaky AF

by Valerie Williams
Originally Published: 
Image via Netflix

Moms are multitasking masters when it comes to working in their TV time

Netflix asked a bunch of moms if they had more “me time,” including time to binge-watch favorite television shows, before having kids. Well hello, of course they did, to the tune of 97 percent of moms surveyed answering in the affirmative (can we get tips from the 3 percent who somehow have more time now?) But the good news? Thanks to Netflix and modern technology, moms are getting sneakier than ever and fitting in that binge time, no matter what.

A whopping 71 percent of moms told Netflix that they “sneak” in TV binge time, and the ways they do it are both hilarious and familiar.

Image via Netflix

An episode of “Gilmore Girls” on the toilet? Yes, please. Half a season of “Scandal” over the course of a few months in the carpool lane at school pick-up? You know it. Moms are crafty as hell, and this survey proves it. I fit into the exercise binge crew along with 15 percent of moms Netflix talked to — you can get a seriously sweaty elliptical session in during one episode of “Grey’s Anatomy.”

Other places where moms get in their TV time include the playground (14 percent), while making dinner (48 percent), while at work (22 percent), while sitting in parking lots (19 percent), and while doing laundry (57 percent).

Damn, we’re good.

Image via Netflix

As far as why we make this crazy effort to cram in as much binge-watching as possible? Moms gave Netflix a variety of extremely solid reasons:

Image via Netflix

I know I nodded at all of those, but also, most of my favorite shows include plenty of violence and swear words. As a matter of necessity, I have to watch my faves when my children can’t see or hear them. Annoyingly, they’re old enough to stay up until 9:00 pm, but not old enough for “Orange Is The New Black.” I go to bed shortly after they do, so unless I’m popping on headphones and watching my grown-up shows on my phone at the park, it ain’t happening.

Image via Netflix

Bottom line? Moms are innovative and creative survivors who do whatever they can to make their “me time” happen. Even if that means “Friends” reruns while sitting on the throne.

This article was originally published on