Newborn Puppy Photo Shoots Need To Be A Regular Thing

More newborn puppy photoshoots, please
If you think pictures of tiny swaddled newborns are adorable, wait until you see a tiny swaddled puppy. Photographer Lyndsey Wright regularly documents adorable infants, but this time she’s blessed the world with perhaps the most adorable newborn photos, ever: with a tiny Olde English Bulldogge.
Wright’s close friend Leah knew her family’s time with their beloved dog Tiger was coming to an end. “I went over to their place the morning he was to be put to rest and did some photos for them to have,” Wright told Scary Mommy.
Image via Lyndsey Wright.
“If you’re a dog person at all, you know how empty a house can feel without a pup in it,” Wright explained. My family was devastated when we lost our dog, which is why my mom quickly found a new pup to bring home. Leah’s family did the same thing.
Image via Lyndsey Wright.
Image via Lyndsey Wright.
“A couple weeks later Leah and her husband Jarrod picked up their new pup,” the photographer said. “An Olde English Bulldogge they named Lolo.”
“Leah texted me a picture right after they picked her up and I immediately told her to get her ass over to my house so we could do some newborn photos,” Wright explained.
Image via Lyndsey Wright.
The pics of Lola are beyond sweet, and Wright said the shoot wasn’t any trouble at all. “I literally just posed her like I would any other newborn,” she shared. “It was cracking me up because I found myself soothing her just like a human baby, rocking her, patting her gently, ‘shushing’ her quietly when she wiggled.”
Image via Lyndsey Wright.
“I looked at Leah at one point and said, ‘Oh my god. This is absolutely no different than any other Newborn Session. WTF?! Who knew?!'” Wright told Scary Mommy.
Image via Lyndsey Wright.
“We had a lot of laughs during that session as posing ideas kept popping into my head,” Wright said. “It was great!”
Image via Lyndsey Wright.