Nicole Richie's Daughter Drew The Most LOL-Worthy Portrait Of Her
Somehow Nicole Richie’s daughter knows what all moms are like at bedtime
You know how kids have that uncanny ability to just completely humble us anytime we think we’ve got this whole parenting thing down? It’s like, the thing they do best. Take Nicole Richie’s daughter for example — she recently drew her mom a lovely, uh, “portrait.”
And it’s so spot-on to how all of our kids see us, it’s impossible not to laugh when you see it.
Richie and husband Joel Madden are parents to 10-year-old Harlow and eight-year-old Sparrow. Harlow, however, clearly inherited her mother’s creative genes (Richie is the creative director of House of Harlow 1960, her own fashion company).
“My daughter drew a picture of me last night. Happy Monday!” LOL. Have you ever seen a more “Monday” appropriate sketch of a person in your entire life? As if the stern eyebrows, wild eyes, and pursed lips weren’t enough, the “just go to bed!” portion really seals the deal on how pretty much all kids see their moms.
Just gotta own it, I guess, right? At least Richie’s brows are on-point here. The whole thing is just friggin’ hilarious all around.
Look, there is no bigger struggle than bedtime in any given household with children. Suddenly one kid needs water, another kid is asking for Goldfish, then someone else has to pee (again). And all of this happens as soon as that magic bedtime hour hits, like clockwork.
If bedtime isn’t a shitshow at your house, we can’t be friends.
Right now, it’s almost nine o’clock and my toddler has convinced me she’s in desperate need of chocolate milk, Play-Doh, and oh yeah — her “piggy toes need painted.”
Wild eyes? Check. Pursed lips? Check. Deep, heaving sigh of capitulation because I’m easily manipulated? Double check.
So yeah: JUST GO TO BED. It’s every mom’s nighttime mantra and Harlow nailed it.