Olivia Wilde Calls Out Unrealistic Breast Pump Bra Ad, Because Seriously?

Olivia Wilde takes to Instagram to call out unrealistic breast pump bra ad
Olivia Wilde took to Instagram yesterday to post an ad for a breast pump bra that keeps following her around Amazon. She points out the obvious — this is not a woman who’s just had a baby and is pumping milk. I mean, come on.
“Real quick just wanna take a break from online (lazy-person) x mas shopping to call bullshit on this ad for a breast-pump bra cuz this lady definitely did not recently birth a child who requires breastmilk to be pumped,” Wilde writes. “Also want to give a quick cyber hug to this model who had to pretend to have recently birthed a milk-fed baby-child when she clearly has spent the last year lifting tiny weights and meditating.” Seriously. Is it so much to ask that a woman modeling a breast pump bra not have washboard abs and tiny boobs? We postpartum mothers don’t ask for much, we really don’t.
Her post has been liked nearly twenty thousand times in 12 hours because so many women can relate to this bit of humor. No one wants to shop for nursing bras and pumping accessories modeled by your stereotypical model. We want to see how it would actually fit on our bodies, thanks. How much of our back fat will be squeezed by that nursing bra? Will our giant boobs be able to be shimmied into that pumping aid? We need the hard answers, people. We don’t need a waif-like model staring at us.
Moms came out of the woodwork to thank her for her honesty. And men showed up to mansplain modeling:
Shut up, Sean. Who asked you? Ever nursed a baby? I didn’t think so. Maybe I’d like a job in “low end” modeling. You don’t know my life.
Thanks for your insight into the modeling world, Zane. We hadn’t thought of that, and what not.
Why yes, random male contractor commenting on a post about a pumping bra. It is. Really hard, actually.
Goat Boy. Dropping some knowledge.
Wilde has never shied away from being real honest about things, and this is just another example of why we love her. Last year she posted a selfie to Instagram that had moms everywhere nodding their heads.
“I call this hairstyle, ‘keep the kid alive,'” she wrote. “Products you’ll need: sweat, string cheese, diaper rash cream, chewed up crayon, snot, and an enthusiastic spritz of panic.”
We love Wilde’s honesty, and as it turns out — she actually loves this bra. “PS. I own this bra and it’s awesome,” she writes. We’ll take that solid recommendation. The company that makes the bras, Simple Wishes Hands Free, even responded to her post.
Hear that, moms? Go get that work!
This article was originally published on