From The Confessional: Moms Are Coping With The Pandemic By Shopping Online A LOT

The bigger question is, who isn’t coping through online retail therapy right now?!
Have you been clicking “add to cart” multiple times per week? Every day? Several times a day? Well, you’re far from alone. Moms everywhere are coping with the stress of 2020 by hitting up our favorite online retailers and browsing, buying, and shipping like it’s our job.
If the Confessional is any indication, moms everywhere are shopping ’til they drop. Some more than others, and some even more than that. Life is hard, damn it, and we deserve all the things! Unless, of course, we can’t afford them.
I’ve spent an obscene amount of money on online shopping during this pandemic just to keep my anxiety quiet. Now that the flow of money is slowing, my anxiety is through the freaking roof again
Confessional #25808284
I've lied to everyone. I say I'm a minimalist, but I LOVE online shopping. I'm homebound, so deliveries give me something to look forward to. I make sure I never have an abundance of stuff, though.
Confessional #25806067
I haven't gained any weight during quarantine. I am, however, online shopping too much, when I should be using this time to get out of debt.
Confessional #25780955
Is there anything, ANYTHING more exciting right now than package deliveries? When you’re barely leaving your house, that little package drop on your front stoop can be the most thrilling part of the day. No wonder we want to keep feeling that tiny little high.
After this is over, it's gonna be awhile before I do anymore online shopping
Confessional #25774916
I’m addicted to online shopping on Etsy and smoking weed. I’m trying so fucking hard to stop, but my kids and being a work from home mom and my family history has made me miserable. Idk what to do
Confessional #25498556
I'm addicted to online shopping. We can afford my purchases but I really don't need more stuff. I do it because I'm bored.
Confessional #24838192
Also, can we just talk about the convenience of online shopping? Especially right now. Some of us hated malls and stores before the death virus. Now we’re so validated in choosing it because we might be spending money, but we’re staying safe, damn it!
Lately the only thing that makes me happy is online shopping
Confessional #23953233
I like online shopping. I like receiving deliveries, even if they're just vitamins.
Confessional #20396236
Every time my door bell rings my kids say "mom another Christmas present is here"! Love online shopping!
Confessional #18845730
Now that the holidays are here, online shopping is even more popular. Why risk heading into big crowds during peak-COVID numbers when you can simply…stay home in your pajamas, safe and healthy, and have things you need shipped right to your door? Between online shopping and curbside pickup, who even needs to leave the house?
"I make too much money and am too old to still be this broke, in debt, and living paycheck to paycheck. I don't understand why things are this way." I say to myself as I fill my online shopping cart with more shit I don't need.
Confessional #18008360
I would be so much better off financially if I would just stop with the impulse online shopping. But receiving a package in the mail gives me something to look forward to and is the highlight of my day. So sad my life has come to this.
Confessional #15394108
I love online shopping over going to the store, but add to it that hot man in his UPS uniform that delivers it and DAMN! I shop everyday. He should be here any minute.....
Confessional #11689674
The surge in online shopping is so huge, it’s caused a global shift in shopping habits (so no, it’s not just you). The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed online shopping behaviors, according to a survey of about 3,700 consumers in nine emerging and developed economies.
The survey covered Brazil, China, Germany, Italy, the Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, South Africa, Switzerland and Turkey. Following the pandemic, more than half of the survey’s respondents now shop online more frequently and plan on doing so indefinitely.
I have a huge online shopping addiction. I’ve managed to max out dozens of credit cards and my DH doesn’t know it yet. I sneak my purchases into the house a little at a time.
Confessional #10811797
I have been shopping online to deal with depression and it makes a horrid cycle. Spending too much makes me amxious, so I shop to feel better. How fucked up is that?
Confessional #25794437
I am mostly homebound, due to illness. Shopping online is one of the few things that makes me feel human. I don't do it to excess, but I love receiving little, inexpensive items.
Confessional #23492841
Online shopping feels good even when it’s bad. We just can’t quit it.
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