
The Five Stages Of Your Child Catching A Cold

They’re not fun, but the symptoms are predictable — and treatable (we promise).

by Una LaMarche

We’ve all been there: living our lives, juggling family and career — and then, suddenly, one of our kids gets a cold [cue silent scream]. Even a mild cold virus can wreak havoc on your delicate work-life balance, but Children's Dimetapp offers a stress-free solution with a great grape taste that doesn’t taste like yucky medicine.

Stage 1: The Throat Tickle

It’s all fun and games until a kid coughs out of nowhere, or moans “my nose is stuffy!” Like a T-Rex’s footsteps jiggling water, you can tell what’s coming. But Children's Dimetapp Cough & Cold soothes coughs and sniffles with a sweet grape taste that also provides powerful relief.
