'22 Years Married To An Awful Kisser'
21 parents share what’s really on their minds

The holiday season can feel like the Default Parent Olympics — when you still have to do all your normal tasks, but add extra cooking, cleaning, hosting, gifting, and general magic-making to the list. Most wonderful time of the year? Maybe, but also the most exhausting. Read on for confessions about holiday stress, relationship woes, bedtime battles, and more.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, please tell all through the link here. And if you want to browse past Confessions, head here.
I’m tired of doing EVERYTHING for the holidays!!!!!
Confessional #77828123
I’m tired of taking on my teens emotions
Confessional #73298265
I have never been in love...married 16 years btw
Confessional #72937846
New MS diagnosis & worried how it is going to affect me as a mom &wife. So many unknowns
Confessional #73781293
Glad I had to have maj surgery bc hubs has to get up with the baby (never has 2 kids in!)
Confessional #75039485
22 years married to an awful kisser, I miss being kissed 😭
Confessional #72615498
Cant be bothered to organise Christmas stuff. Husband doesn’t realise the effort that goes in!
Confessional #77165490
Sick of husband asking what I want for Xmas. Just buy me something! You know me!
Confessional #76198261
I feel stuck in my marriage. He’s never going to change...
Just want someone else to make the holidays happen this year. I’ve done it for the last 6 myself.
Confessional #71788276
Tired of buying n making food
Confessional #76651928
I want a clean house and a fridge full if food for Christmas - no presents just sanity
Confessional #71012938
I accidentally made someone feel bad today & now I will think about that all night 😞
Confessional #71629092
Hate that husband won’t help with Christmas
Confessional #71816549
I kissed someone who isn’t my husband, and I really enjoyed it.
Confessional #76198276
I just ran 5 miles, I feel like a badass!
Confessional #77618273
I sometimes work late because I can’t handle the battle of putting kids to bed
Confessional #78265374
My husband forgot my birthday. F*ck him.
Confessional #71654329
I feel RAGE that my husband gets to go on a work trip and leave me home with kids
Confessional #71817263
My daughter got the flu on the one week of paid vacation I have. I feel guilty for feeling frustrated.
Confessional #77482938
My 10 y.o. was complaining about being stressed and I wanted to be like girl please
Confessions #71993847
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