
From The Confessional: 'I Had An Emotional Affair'

Here’s what’s on readers’ minds this week.

by Emma Coburn
Emma Chao/Scary Mommy; Getty Images

This week in the Scary Mommy Confessional, there are some readers celebrating big milestones — like finishing college — and others sharing ongoing struggles — like financial stress and toxic vibes at work. If you’ve ever felt gender disappointment, dreaded spring break, or wondered where that alleged “village” full of sympathetic helpers is, you’ll relate to your fellow parents in the roundup below.

Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, please tell all through the link here. And if you want to browse past Confessions, head here.

I hate the thought of march break and having them home for a week while I work

Confessional #22938475

I’m so sick of the same routine.

Confessional #23382765

I’m afraid that I’m too old to make my dreams come true

Confessional #29301928

my husband isn’t working and all bills are falling on me and I am stressed OUT!

Confessional #20981726

I’m super horny but my husband doesn’t satisfy me

Confessional #23910768

I wish I could take a whole week to not be a mom or wife

Confessional #23918276

Planning to try to have a baby solo via a donor! Eek!

Confessional #21097684

I quit my job and I’m so f*cking happy

Confessional #23019284

I need to quit my toxic job but my husband isn’t supportive

Confessional #22010298

I finished coursework for my Bachelor’s degree!

Confessional #22102984

My wedding is in one month. He lied, again. I need to cancel everything but don’t know how.

Confessional #21209387

My mom doesnt support me like I wish she would as I make decisions for my kid w/ disab

Confessional #21090987

no one but me can figure out how to handle toddler’s big emotions and I’m so fed up with the “village”

Confessional #22120192

My relationship with my mom is so difficult, draining, and unhealthy.

Confessional #21029121

Just found out baby #2 is a girl, having major gender disappointment

Confessional #29102938

I am failing at life because I don’t prioritize self care

Confessional #20192837

I resent my husband when he doesn’t feel well, instead of being concerned for his well-being/health

Confessional #22019283

I have this gut feeling my husband is cheating but I just can’t prove it definitively!

Confessional #29102938

My ex-boyfriend still shows up in my dreams about once a week. (I’m married)

Confessional #27718293

Having to move in with my in-laws. I hate the direction my life took.

Confessional #28837283

I had an emotional affair and I’m heartbroken that it’s over.

Confessional #23898575