real talk

From The Confessional: 'I Want Another Baby And Husband Does Not'

21 parents share what’s really on their minds

by Emma Coburn

From cheating fiancés and rules (or lack thereof) about swearing, people had a wide range of things to share about in the Scary Mommy Confessional this week. Some confessions are heavy, but some readers offer hope to others struggling with being overwhelmed or having relationship issues — like the one who wrote, “I wish moms in unhappy marriages believed in how good it can be on the other side.” Read on for the full roundup.

Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, please tell all through the link here. And if you want to browse past Confessions, head here.

I was so angry and miserable for so long. Therapy and Lexapro are saving my life 🫶​

Confessional #29287265

My fiancé cheated and i still want to be with him

Confessional #28372909

My kids have been home sick for 6 days and I feel bad for them but also need them out

Confessional #22329387

I wish moms in unhappy marriages believed in how good it can be on the other side.

Confessional #22928763

I am over the PTA drama! How is this really a thing?!

Confessional #21029384

I get uncomfortable when women do the husband complaining. Mine is amazing.

Confessional #22194873

I’m not sure what to do in my marriage... I’m not happy anymore. He’s always mad.

Confessional #23202983

I can’t tell if I’m happy or sad to be on a work trip away from my family

Confessional #21928712

I desperately want another child, my husband is a HARD no

Confessional #23918275

Sometimes I let Disney Plus watch the kids and escape to my room to read or relax.

Confessional #23817283

My kid is finally ready to start college and I’m freaking out internally.

Confessional #28736840

I love my husband but he’s so lazy I feel like it’d be easier to divorce him, he’ll never change

Confessional #23210982

I’ve been in love with my brother in law for 20 years

Confessional #23910287

I hate my husband but don’t want my two young girls to experience divorce.

Confessional #21764538

I let my nine year old swear as much as she wants when we are in the car. It’s therapeutic.

Confessional #22167283

I wanted my kids to be grown and me free. Now that they are, I miss them and feel guilty

Confessional #29827653

My husband thinks I like my dog more than him and I really do.

Confessional #28392837

I was not ready to have another baby, this was supposed to be a year for me. Found out Jan 1

Confessional #29387659

I hate being a single mom surrounded by married couples

Confessional #29187645

I wish school was year round

Confessional #21019287

I want another baby and husband does not 😭​😭​

Confessional #29291029