From The Confessional: ‘I Hate Sports And I Hope My Kids Do Too’
31 parents share their anonymous thoughts on kids’ sports and activities

Do you love sitting on the bleachers and watching your kid finally get that goal? Or do you hate making idle chit-chat with other parents you barely know, and resent the expense, travel schedule, and communal snack requirements of organized activities? Maybe you feel a little bit of all those things... or then again, maybe you dislike sports so much that you refuse to participate altogether. Which is a valid choice, too. As you’ll see, there are people from all these camps and more in the Scary Mommy Confessional this week.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, please tell all through the link here. And if you want to browse past Confessions, head here.
It’s always something. Everyday. It’s so expensive and exhausting.
Confessional #81721288
I get embarrassed when my kid doesn’t listen to the coach. I know he’s only 5 but still...
Confessional #81712123
Signing up my kid for activities gives me a break that I need.
Confessional #81745327
Rainouts are my favorite
Confessional #89298821
I wish I could go to games incognito. No small talk, no gossip, just watching the game
Confessional #81992029
I miss cheering on my son now that he is done with high school & club sports.
Confessional #81267381
Tried soccer at 3. We ALL hated it. Will not be signing up for anything else until he asks.
Confessional #81772712
The parents drinking and the kids bullying. It is Little League people!!!!!!!!!
Praying for rain is a new hobby
Confessional #87728192
I get less time with my husband during summer travel ball and I don’t like it
Confessional #81252234
I’m tired of all my free time involved w kiddos sports.
Confessional #81291284
The cost for all the equipment to try a sport for 1 season & not continue makes me sick.
Confessional #81264746
The team moms make me feel like I’m in middle school
Confessional #81729821
WTF are you supposed to serve for dinner when you are running your kids around to sports!
Confessional #87658912
I don’t want to sit and make friends with the dance moms.
Confessional #8771658
A huge lack of parent volunteers. Kids just need someone positive and fun!
Confessional #81291821
I despise kids sports because of overzealous parents
Confessional #81012918
I don’t sign my kid up for sports. No thank you.
Confessional #81909928
My kid is not good!
Confessional #81290092
I let my teen quit club volleyball in the middle of the season. Too much time and energy for me.
Confessional #81929928
I love being able to watch my kid do something they love!
Confessional #81727772
Travel sports are a scam for $. Most of the players have attitudes and aren’t that good.
Confessional #81727729
The parents’ bad behavior was toxic and ruined it for ME- a parent.
Confessional #89929120
Some parents need to chill outttt at kids games. Let them play and learn.
Confessional #81992876
I hate sports and it sounds like too much commitment to be fun so we opt out 🤷🏻♀️
Confessional #81290182
Terrified of overscheduling my kid. Kids need unstructured time
Confessional #81029182
I enjoy taking my son to practice so I can sit in the grass and watch! He’s loved it so far!
Confessional #81920192
The “everyone brings a team snack” thing is ridiculous and I refuse to do it.
Confessional #81283188
No interest. I hate sports and I hope my kids do too.
Confessional #81852392
So expensive! I have to work my schedule around all their activities!!! 😩
Confessional #81921881
It’s time away from the screen that I don’t have to organize or think about. I’m in.
Confessional #81029387
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