
'My House Looks Like It Could Be On The Show Hoarders'

In the latest Confessions roundup, 15 parents share their thoughts on toddlers, homework, and overly involved in-laws.

by Emma Coburn
Scary Mommy

If you’re embarrassed about the messy state of your house, it’s safe to say you’re not alone. And whether you’re becoming truly overwhelmed by the situation — or you’re just sick of no one else in the family helping out (husbands who don’t notice that the bathroom trash has been overflowing for days, we’re looking at you) — you’ll find someone on the same page in the roundup below. Plus, read what people have to say about mom friends, “savage” toddlers, overly involved in-laws, and more.

Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.

Feel like no one else in my friend group actually enjoys being a mom.

Confessional #10492848

Mydad told me what he wants done upon his death. I’m stressed abt the friction it may cause w siblings

Confessional #17224938

It’s so hard to always be the 3rd wheel in girl friend groups. Happens to me all the time

Confessional #14859283

Letting the master bath trash overflow until hubby notices, been 2 weeks now 🙄​

Confessional #19502948

Kind of attracted to a female friend?

Confession al #17592487

My son-in-law despises me and I babysit for his children

Confessional #19502948

I’m really uncomfortable in my body but no motivation to do anything about it

Confessional #19592833

Toddlers are f*cking savage. Twin toddlers (g/g) make me dread when they’re teenagers.

Confessional #18592578

I hate homework! Doing homework with my kids is THE WORST!!!!

Husband left on business trip and child 1 spent night vomiting. Tired working mom

Confessional #19482746

We have $4000 of unsold Girl Scout cookies. Help!

Confessional #19502938

I wish my in-laws would give us space to navigate life with a newborn. 🛑​ hourly FTs!

Confessional #19593847

Had to go back to work and don’t feel like I had time to connect with my 2month old. It’s like babysitting.

Confessional #10492847

Why should I thank my husband for doing some Things,when I am doing so many things all the time.

Confessional #11049284

My house looks like it could be on the show Hoarders and I’m too overwhelmed to do anything

Confessional #12049183