Pickle Candy Canes Are A Thing And We’re Intrigued

There’s pickle-flavored candy canes now, if you’re into that sort of thing
The holiday season is upon us and with it, the usual offerings of old, familiar candies we all know and love. But some of us might prefer something a little more savory than sweet. Or, we just want to pull a righteous prank on our families. Either way, pickle candy canes are here. And we’re very intrigued.
Our holiday shopping savior Amazon is selling these strange treats for the low, low price of $6.95, which gets you half a dozen twirly, green candy canes that taste like dill.
Image via Amazon
As someone who definitely prefers savory over sweet, these look vaguely appealing to me. The reviews, however, say the pickle taste isn’t quite so strong, but if it were, it would be a little off-putting. A hint of pickle in a candy sounds about right. But if pickles aren’t your thing and you still want a non-sweet holiday treat, the retailer also offers both bacon (yum) and gravy (vomit) candy canes.
Image via Amazon
Image via Amazon
Oh, there’s also wasabi and sriracha. Which, why? My nose burns just imagining how they taste but hey, to each, their own. If you enjoy mouth pain, Amazon’s got your back.
Image via Amazon
Image via Amazon
Since these odd-ball flavored sweets all resemble actual mint-flavored candy canes, there’s huge potential here for fun pranks. Either fill a jar on your desk at work and watch the usual food-grabbing vultures make off with what they think is a minty treat, or up your Elf on the Shelf game and have that creepy little asshole leave these tricky candy canes for your unsuspecting kids. The only limit is your imagination and how mean of a person you can be.
Spoiler alert: I’m kinda mean. These might make an appearance in my kids’ stockings this year, not gonna lie. Why should they have all the fun on Christmas morning? What a time to be alive.
Thanks Amazon, for broadening our taste buds and giving us great tools for making the holidays a little more interesting. And a teeny bit gross.